Bus Fare Policy Luis Solares Laura Giron
Goal: Is to raise awareness and amend the current policy that dictates the bus fare in the LA county.
Target Audience: ● L.A community ● The city council ● Metropolitian Transportation Authority (MTA)
Research: ● Seattle is the first of its scale that provides discounted fares to people whose household income is no more than 200% of the federal poverty level.
CAP #1 Contacting L.A County to see if they could help us contact other resources.
CAP #2 Contacting Seattle to see if they can help us understand how the policy works.
CAP #3 Phone interview with Michelle Navarro who is part of the Office of Management & Budget. She told us since LA is mostly low-income it would make more sense to amend the current policy instead of trying to implement an entirely new one.
CAP #4 Interview the people from the community to see if they take bus as often and see how it would affect them.
CAP #5 We made a survey with the whole academy to see what others had to say about the current bus fare but we didn’t get the results we expected.
CAP #6 Contacting the Bus Riders Union to see if they can let us interview them and also show us different approaches to take to get the bus fare lowered.
Call to action/Media Delivery: We will use both old & new media: ● A brochure ● A documentary to raise awareness of the rising bus fares all over LA county.
Resources & Statistics Bus Riders Union
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