© 2011 IBM Corporation Request For Enhancement Welcome to the RFE Community Site! Markus Standau, IBM October 2011
© 2011 IBM Corporation2 10 things you need to know What is RFE? The RFE Community is a web site where customers can collaborate with Product Management and other product users through their ability to search, view, comment on, submit, and track product Requests For Enhancement (RFEs). You can search, view, comment on, vote for, watch, submit, and track product requests for enhancement (RFEs).searchsubmit Pre-Requistes You need an IBM ID (developerWorks ID) which is free for everyone to get What is different from the current process? No need to involve Customer Support or IBM sales representatives. Improved ability to monitor and manage requirements (watch lists, voting, commenting, …) What will happen to my extisting requirements? Exsiting requirements are managed with the old process, but some may be tranferred to the new system
© 2011 IBM Corporation3 10 things you need to know What does the status mean? Planned for Future Release the request is approved and planned for delivery within the next year or next generally available (GA) release. IBM will confirm this request at GA and will update the status to "Delivered". If the status is "Uncommitted Candidate", this request will not be delivered within the next year, but the theme is aligned with our two-year strategy. IBM is soliciting feedback for this request, and within one year from submission, status will be updated to either " Rejected " or "Planned for Future Release". Planned for Future ReleaseDeliveredUncommitted CandidateRejectedPlanned for Future Release Planned for Future Release Delivered Uncommitted Candidate Rejected User submits a request Collecting more feedback When RFE is created: Author has 24 hours to modify any field After 24 hours, the RFE is locked and bridged to back-end system Submitter can add comments at any time, but not modify the original information. This prevents scope creep. 5
© 2011 IBM Corporation4 10 things you need to know What is the process of response once I submit an RFE? IBM works to provide an initial response to within the first 30 days of submission, and a more definitive response within 90 days. Not all requests will meet these commitments, as sometimes we'll need more information from you to understand the request, or we'll need to do a rough sizing estimate before a decision can be made on it's inclusion in a future version of our product. What information do I need to enter? Headline, priority, IBM brand, product, component, Operating system, description, Use Case and Business justification Priority definitions –Low - RFE would be a nice feature to have –Medium - Lack of the RFE functionality is a minor road block to deployment/adoption –High - Lack of RFE functionality is a major road block to deployment/adoption –Urgent - Deployment/adoption cannot continue without this RFE 8 7 6
© 2011 IBM Corporation5 10 things you need to know Which Tivoli Storage Products are available in RFE? 9
© 2011 IBM Corporation6 10 things you need to know More thing you might want to know see Frequently asked questions For example:Frequently asked questions –Votes vs Watchlists –Categories 10
© 2011 IBM Corporation7 My Notification IBM uses an "opt-in" policy for web applications such as the RFE Community Tool. That means if you do not intentionally indicate you want the RFE tool to notify you of changes to your RFEs, you will not get notification. Here is the notice currently on the Tivoli RFE landing page. You can see the RFEs you have submitted in the My RFEs view and opt-in for notifications for all RFEs in your watchlist by subscribing from the My notifications page.My RFEsMy notifications
© 2011 IBM Corporation8 Getting started 1.Go to: Login in or create a user ID 3.Search or submit RFE or 4.Look through your stuff 1.Go to: Login in or create a user ID 3.Search or submit RFE or 4.Look through your stuff
© 2011 IBM Corporation9 Submitting a RFE select All select the product in the family
© 2011 IBM Corporation10 Submitting a RFE
© 2011 IBM Corporation11 Helpful functions
© 2011 IBM Corporation12 Top Voted
© 2011 IBM Corporation13 Miscellaneous