Cloud services at RAL, an Update 26 th March 2015 Spring HEPiX, Oxford George Ryall, Frazer Barnsley, Ian Collier, Alex Dibbo, Andrew Lahiff V2.1
Overview Background Our current set up Self-service test & development VMs Traceability, security, and logging Links with Quattor (Aquilon) Expansion of the batch farm into unused capacity What next
Background Began as small experiment 3 years ago –Initially using StratusLab & old worker nodes –Initially very quick and easy to get working –But fragile, and upgrades and customisations always harder Work until last spring was implemented by graduates on 6 month rotations –Disruptive & variable progress Worked well enough to prove usefulness Self service VMs proved very popular, though something of an exercise in managing expectations
In March 2014, we secured funding for our current hardware, I became involved –setting up the Ceph cluster A fresh technology evaluation led us to move to OpenNebula. In September secured first dedicated effort to build on the previous 2 ½ years of experiments to produce a service with a defined service level. Two staff, me full time and another half time. Background (2)
Just launched with a defined, if limited, service level for users across STFC. Integrated in to the existing Tier 1 configuration & monitoring frameworks (yet to establish cloud specific monitoring). Now have an extra member of staff working on the project, bringing us close to two full time equivalents. Where we are now
Our current set up OpenNebula based cloud with a Ceph storage backend This has 28 Hypervisors consisting of 892 cores and 3.4TB of RAM We have 750TB of raw storage in the supporting Ceph cluster (as seen in Alastair Dewhurst’s presentation yesterday, performance testing described in Alex Dibbo’s presentation this afternoon) This is all connected together at 10Gb/s Web Front End and headnode on VMs in our HyperV production virtulisation infrastructure Three node MariaDB/Galera cluster for DB (again on HyperV)
Self-service test & development VMs First use case to be exposed to users in a pre-production way. Provide members of the Scientific Computing Department (~160 people) with access to VMs on demand for development work. Quickly provides VMs to speed up the development cycle of various services and offer a testing environment for our software developers (<1 minute to a useable machine). Clear terms of service and defined level of service that is currently short of production..
A simple web frontend To provide easy access to these VMs we have developed a simple web front-end running on a VM This talks to the OpenNebula head node through its XML RPC interface Provides a simpler, more customised interface for our users than is available through OpenNebula’s sunstone interface
The web front end from a users perspective
User logs in with their organisation wide credentials (implemented using Kerberos)
The web front end from a users perspective The User is presented with a list of their current VMs, a button to launch more, and an option to view historical information
The web front end from a users perspective The User clicks to “Create Machine” (because they’re lazy they use our auto-generate name button)
The web front end from a users perspective The user is presented with a list of possible machine types to launch which is relevant to them This is accomplished using OpenNebula groups and active directory user properties. CPU and Memory are currently pre-set for each type, we can expand it later by request. We could offer a choice – but we suspect users, being users, will just select the most available with little thought.
The web front end from a users perspective The VM is listed as pending for about 20 seconds, whilst OpenNebula deploys it on a hypervisor
The web front end from a users perspective Once booted, the user can login with their credentials or they can SSH in with those same credentials
The web front end from a users perspective Once the user is done they click the delete button and from their perspective it goes away…
Traceability …Actually for traceability reasons (as seen in Ian Collier’s Tuesday afternoon presentation) we keep snapshots of the images for a short period of time. This allows us to allow us to investigate potential user abuse of short-lived VMs as well as being useful for debugging other issues. At VM instantiation, an OpenNebula hook creates a deferred snapshot to be executed when the machine is SHUTDOWN. A cron job runs daily to check all images are the right type and the age and deletes the relevant images.
Security Patching Just like any other machine in our infrastructure, VMs need to have the latest security updates applied in a timely manner. For Aquilon managed machines, this will be done with the rest of our infrastructure. The unmanaged images come with Yum auto-update and local Pakiti reporting turned on. Our user policy expressly prohibits disabling this. The next step is to monitor this.
Logging We require all our VMs running on our cloud to log They are configured, like the rest of our infrastructure, to use syslog to do this Again, disabling this is specifically prohibited in our terms of service. Again, the next step is to implement monitoring of compliance with this.
All of our infrastructure is configured using Quattor (As seen in this mornings presentation by James Adams) – investigating UGent developed OpenNebula Quattor component, using UGent Ceph component. We build updated managed and unmanaged images for users using Quattor to first install them and then we strip them back for the unmanaged images. Managed VMs are available, but we re-use hostnames. Rather than dynamically creating the hosts when managed VMs are launched, we use a hook when they are removed to make a call to Aquilon’s REST interface to reset their ‘personality’ and ‘domain’. Quattor (Aquilon) and Our Cloud
This work has already been presented by Andrew Lahiff and Ian Collier at ISGC – the content of the following slides has largely been provided by them. Much of it has also been presented at previous HEPiX’s. So the following is a brief refresher and update. Expanding the farm into cloud
Initial situation: partitioned resources: Worker nodes (batch system) & Hypervisors (cloud) Ideal situation: completely dynamic –If batch system busy but cloud not busy Expand batch system into the cloud –If cloud busy but batch system not busy Expand size of cloud, reduce amount of batch system resources cloudbatch cloudbatch Bursting the batch system into the cloud
This lead to an aspiration to Integrate cloud with batch system –First step: allow the batch system to expand into the cloud Avoid running additional third-party and/or complex services Leverage existing functionality in HTCondor as much as possible Proof-of-concept testing carried out with StratusLab in 2013 –Successfully ran ~11000 jobs from the LHC VOs This will ensure our private cloud is always used –LHC VOs can be depended upon to provide work
Bursting the batch system into the cloud Based on existing power management features of HTCondor Virtual machine instantiation –ClassAds for offline machines are sent to the collector when there are free resources in the cloud –Negotiator can match idle jobs to the offline machines –HTCondor rooster daemon notices this match & triggers creation of VMs
Bursting the batch system into the cloud Virtual machine lifetime –Managed by HTCondor on the VM itself. Configured to: Only start jobs when a health-check script is successful Only start new jobs for a specified time period Shuts down the machine after being idle for a specified period –Virtual worker nodes are drained when free resources on the cloud start to fall below a specified threshold
condor_collectorcondor_negotiator Worker nodes condor_startd condor_rooster Virtual worker nodes condor_startd ARC/CREAM CEs condor_schedd Central manager Offline machine ClassAds Draining
Bursting the batch system into the cloud Previously this was a short term experiment with StratusLab Ability to expand batch farm into our cloud is being integrated into our production batch system The challenge is to have a variable resource so closely bound to our batch service HTCondor makes it much easier – elegant support for dynamic resources But significant changes to monitoring –Moved to the condor health check – no Nagios on virtual WNs –This has in turn fed back in to the monitoring of bare metal WNs
What Next Consolidation of configuration, review of architecture and design decisions Development of new use cases for STFC Facilities (e.g. ISIS and CLF) Work as part of DataCloud H2020 project Work to host more Tier 1/WLCG services Continue work with members of the LOFAR project Engagement with non-HEP communities Start to engage with EGI Fed-cloud
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