WordPress Fast Track
What Is WordPress? Learn what WordPress is Know why WordPress is a popular tool in making websites and blogs Discover some of the people who uses WordPress
WordPress.org vs. WordPress.com There are two ways of using WordPress You can use the service that comes with WordPress.com Or you can download WordPress from WordPress.org The pros and cons of each will be discussed so that you can decide which suits you best
Logging in to WordPress There are two ways of accessing your WordPress site’s login page In this video, I’ll show you a step-by-step procedure on how to log in to your WordPress site
WordPress Dashboard The WordPress Dashboard is the control panel of your WordPress site I’ll be talking about the different parts of the WordPress Dashboard here
WordPress Admin Toolbar The WordPress Admin Toolbar has useful shortcuts and functions that you’ll find handy and important I’ll discuss the things that you can do with the WordPress Admin Toolbar here
Settings The ‘Settings’ in your WordPress Dashboard has links to the settings for your WordPress site’s appearance, comments, posts, pages, etc. Information about the ‘Settings’ and how to change the various settings will be discussed here
Pages and Posts in WordPress There is a difference with a ‘Page’ and a ‘Post’ in WordPress You’ll easily learn when you should create a post or a page on your WordPress site
Writing a Post in WordPress I’ll be showing you step-by-step how to write a post in WordPress You’ll easily learn how to create a post via WordPress and publish it
Making Links in Posts in WordPress ‘Links’ in a post or a page acts as a ‘shortcut’ to other websites I’ll provide a step-by-step procedure on how to easily create links in your page or post in WordPress
Inserting Pictures into a Post in WordPress Pictures greatly enhance a post in any site I’ll walk you through the process on how you can add pictures to your post in your WordPress site
The Media Library The Media Library is where all of the pictures and audio that you upload to your WordPress site is stored Here, I’ll show how you can easily upload pictures to your Media Library
Formatting Your Posts in WordPress Formatting posts lets you make your posts look more interesting visually I’m going to show you the formatting options for your posts on your WordPress site You’ll learn how to easily format your posts
How to Schedule Your Posts I will show you, step by step, on how to schedule your posts in WordPress With this, there’s no need to immediately post what you write
Categories and Tags There is a difference between tags and categories in Wordpress I will discuss what are tags and categories I’ll also discuss the difference between using tags and categories
Pages in WordPress Pages in WordPress are used for content that don’t change often I’ll walk you through the process of creating a page for your WordPress site
Page Templates I’ll provide a step-by-step process on how to use a page template for a page in your WordPress site
WordPress Plugins Plugins helps you do stuff with your WordPress website There are free plugins as well as paid plugins I’ll also discuss what advantage does paid plugins have over free plugins
Installing Plugins in WordPress I’ll walk you through the process of installing plugins in your WordPress site
WordPress Themes Themes are used to visually enhance a site I’ll talk about free themes and premium(paid) themes and what advantage does one get when using premium themes
Customizing Appearance The looks of your WordPress site can be easily customized by changing the settings I’ll show you how you can easily customize the appearance of your WordPress site
Installing WordPress Themes There are two ways of installing a theme to your WordPress site I’ll walk you through the processes of installing WordPress themes to your site
Making a Custom Menu A custom menu is a list of links that is usually shown in your WordPress site The steps outlined here is easy to follow so that you’ll be able to create your custom menu in no time
Comments in your WordPress site Your website visitors can leave comments in the posts that you have in your WordPress site Here, I’ll provide an overview of the ‘comments’ section I’ll also show you how you can easily manage the comments in your site
Users in your Wordpress site I’ll walk you through the steps on how to add users to your WordPress site I’ll also provide tips about users and user roles