Quality Liaisons March 6th, 2007
Please sit by level
Responsibilities of the Quality Liaison: Main communication channel between the District and school/department Serve as a "PDSA/Action Research support person for the school or department (to locate resources and/or find answers to questions) Keep the momentum of action research going through discussions, conversations and sharing of information to staff
Sharing Share a positive action that youve taken in carrying out your role as a Quality Liaison Share a positive action that youve taken in carrying out your role as a Quality Liaison Describe the experience Describe the experience What made it positive ? What made it positive ?
Enhancing Facilitation Skills Deb Preisser, Kim Owen, Julie Grotewold GWAEA
District Updates Video Library Goal: create a video library Quality Tools 8 Components of the Continuous Improvement Classroom Soliciting volunteers! Ground rules created by students Classroom mission statements Classroom and student measurable goals Quality tools and PDSA used regularly The Continuous Improvement Classroom Classroom data centers Classroom meetings facilitated by students Student-led conferences Student data folders
District Updates Balanced Scorecard Measure: Increase % of staff implementing practices of the 4 Quality Levels (as measured by the Deployment Instrument).
Quality Liaison Role Be prepared to assist in the administration of the deployment instrument on April 6th (opening remarks) Advise the BLT; reserve the time Details shared today
Who will take the survey? At the top of the list is Early Childhood
Who will take the survey? High School Multiple Grades – High School Department/Subject Art Business Education Computer Science Dropout Program Family & Consumer Science Language Arts Marketing Mathematics Music Instrumental Vocal Physical Education Science Social Studies Special Education Technology/Technology Education/Industrial Technology World /Foreign Language Other
Deployment Instrument Discuss the process (handout) How will you present it to the staff? Key speaking points: Accuracy of reporting progress Non-evaluative, not individualized It is a process to see where are we? When completing the self-assessment, ask is this a regular part of my classroom system? (if teachers have trouble defining it, it is likely they are not implementing it) What clarification is still needed?
Prior to next meeting… Next Meeting: April 10, 2007 Next Meeting: April 10, 2007 Assist in the administering of the Deployment Instrument at your school Assist in the administering of the Deployment Instrument at your school Key speaking points before teachers take the self-assessment Key speaking points before teachers take the self-assessment Discuss how the results could be used to support continuous improvement at your school Discuss how the results could be used to support continuous improvement at your school
Final Thoughts… Questions? Questions? Comments? Comments? Meeting Evaluation Meeting Evaluation Thank you- Leaders of Continuous Improvement!