Good Professional Practices in Chemical Pathology
Chemical Pathologist as Bench worker Master of the bench work analytical requirement scientific phenomena
Quality Control (QC) The role of Chemical Pathologist as a QC Officer is well known and well- recognized.
% National External Quality Assurance Programme Pakistan (NEQAPP)
Instrument Handling
Method Evaluation O Various aspects of method evaluation have always an important part of Chemical Pathology Examinations. O Now it will be made more objective, crisp and structured. O The calculation station will test the theoretical aspects before testing the practical skills in a separate station
Problem solving in varied Clinical Situations O In day to day work Chemical Pathologist may be required to solve peculiar problems related to lab work. O These situations require acumens different from those involved in interpreting lab data. O The situations may vary widely, some examples given here, however, will help understand the nature of this faculty.
Derived Tests O It is very rightly said that Chemical Pathologist should always keep a calculator in his / her pocket. O The purpose is to carry out or verify various derived tests determined by applying various formulae or equations. O Continuous practice may give him or her a skill to carry out these calculations in minimum time. O Examples include Creatinine Clearance, LDL- Cholesterol by Friedwald etc.
Lab Safety O Biosafety and safety from Chemical, Electric and Fire hazards are very important domains in the training of a Chemical Pathologist to safeguard his / her own well- being and that of the other lab staff and community at a large. O This skill and attitude can be tested only by a properly designed observed station.
Data Interpretation O A Chemical Pathologist spent a considerable portion of his day`s work in interpreting the patients lab reports. O This is essentially a higher cognitive domain and can be mastered only with continuous knowledge updating and practice. O The methods involved in this domain testing are already quite objective.
What is OSPE??
OSPE O Objective O Structured O Practical O Examination
Why it is Mock?? O Results not to be communicated O Writing identification is OPTIONAL!!!!