LHCC Review, CERN, 19/10/99Paul Bright-Thomas, for Alan Watson 1 LVL1 Calorimeter Algorithm Updates Changes since the TDR: Greater “integration” of e/ and /h triggers: Numbers of em and tau thresholds now adjustable Common RoI algorithm for e/ and /h algorithms Split e/ hadronic isolation into two regions “Evolution” rather than “Revolution”: Main effects are to: Increase flexibility Simplify implementation Changes approved by the ATLAS T/DAQ Steering Group in July ‘99
LHCC Review, CERN, 19/10/99Paul Bright-Thomas, for Alan Watson 2 TDR e/ Algorithm Object accepted if: 1 trigger cluster cluster thr em isolation E T em isol thr had isolation E T had isol thr RoI cluster E T = local maximum Tau algorithm based on same 4 4 tower window (next slide)
LHCC Review, CERN, 19/10/99Paul Bright-Thomas, for Alan Watson 3 Current e/ Algorithm Object accepted if: 1 trigger cluster cluster thr em “ring” E T em isol thr had “ring” E T outer had isol thr had “core” E T inner had isol thr RoI cluster E T = local maximum Tau algorithm same except: trigger clusters = 2 em + 2 2 had towers only the 2 “ring” sums are used for isolation (Tau algorithm unchanged from TDR)
LHCC Review, CERN, 19/10/99Paul Bright-Thomas, for Alan Watson 4 Adjustable Numbers of e/ and /h Triggers TDR design had fixed numbers of em and tau selections Proposed N em = N = 8 Optimum allocations hard to predict Will be luminosity-dependent May depend on what we find Better if we could make these numbers adjustable Hard to vary total ( N tot = N em N ) Can adjust N em & N within this total Requires small increase in functionality within CP chip
LHCC Review, CERN, 19/10/99Paul Bright-Thomas, for Alan Watson 5 Adjusting Numbers of e/ and /h Triggers Em & Tau algorithms very similar See Table To switch between the two: Use multiplexors to select either em or tau trigger clusters Do not set “hadronic core” isolation for tau triggers Don’t need total flexibility: We propose: 8 sets of em thresholds 8 sets adjustable em/tau (Even this not fixed if FPGAs used)
LHCC Review, CERN, 19/10/99Paul Bright-Thomas, for Alan Watson 6 Hadronic Isolation: “Core” & “Ring” Performance Issues Imbalance between the two regions “core” provides greater part of jet rejection “ring” is more vunerable to noise Separation allows different weighting of the two same (or slightly better) overall performance more flexible response to conditions & requirements E T in 2 regions (signal & background)
LHCC Review, CERN, 19/10/99Paul Bright-Thomas, for Alan Watson 7 Core & Ring Isolation: Signal vs Background Signal: Look at electrons + 48 mbias Pessimistic pileup model Parameterize BCID More E T in “ring” Two sums largely uncorrelated Background: “Core” E T typically larger Correlations weak “Ring” contributes to rejection
LHCC Review, CERN, 19/10/99Paul Bright-Thomas, for Alan Watson 8 Effect of two-region hadronic isolation Compare rates for same isolation efficiency look at electrons with “pessimistic” pileup compare jet background rates for cuts giving 95%, 98% & 99% isolation efficiency find some improvement when very high efficiency required look also with “more realistic” pulse-shape modelling improvement smaller (few %) no situation in which rate is worse Cluster > 15 GeV, em & had isolation
LHCC Review, CERN, 19/10/99Paul Bright-Thomas, for Alan Watson 9 A Common RoI Algorithm? Motivations Simplify implementation only 1 set of RoI clusters to form & test makes “selectable” em/tau triggers easier to build Simplify RoI data single object produces unique RoI coordinate for both em and tau algorithms Which algorithm? Em RoI for taus? Much of tau E T may be in HCAL May degrade shower containment Not ideal Tau RoI for e/ ? Isolated e/ should deposit little E T in HCAL Objects for which it makes a difference will fail hadronic isolation anyway Worth investigating
LHCC Review, CERN, 19/10/99Paul Bright-Thomas, for Alan Watson 10 Possible Effect: Most Extreme Case Possible Effects: RoI coordinate may shift by 0.1 Rare (< 1% of e/ ) Clusters for which this happens will mostly fail isolation anyway Possible effects of this: Moves hadronic E T between “ring” and “core” sums Very rarely may increase em isolation or reduce trigger cluster Size of effects: Changes in em sums can be no larger than hadronic E T deposit
LHCC Review, CERN, 19/10/99Paul Bright-Thomas, for Alan Watson 11 Effect on Efficiency: 30 GeV e - + pileup What effects do we see: (with pessimistic pileup model) No effect in 99% of e RoIs Small differences in isolation E T have no effect on efficiency. See same story for: Different electron p T “ noise/BCID assumptions “ pileup levels em RoIem+had RoI
LHCC Review, CERN, 19/10/99Paul Bright-Thomas, for Alan Watson 12 Effect on Jet Rejection More effect seen in background: O(10%) of background clusters with E T > 15 GeV have RoIs shifted (cf < 1% e/ ) Does it affect jet rejection? Use pessimistic pileup (as should maxmize size of any effects) Choose isolation cuts to give 95%, 98% and 99% isolation efficiency Compare jet rates for 2 RoI algorithms small reduction in rate seen Cluster > 15 GeV, em & had isolation
LHCC Review, CERN, 19/10/99Paul Bright-Thomas, for Alan Watson 13 Efficiency in Physics Events Look at effect in physics events In case more sensitive than single e/ events Look at a range of processes containing e/ plus jets What do we see? For most processes, no effect Greatest effect in t e b, jjb 1% events have shifted RoIs Small changes in Had Isol n. No difference in efficiency Had isol n sums, e from top events
LHCC Review, CERN, 19/10/99Paul Bright-Thomas, for Alan Watson 14 Summary of Changes N em and N tau variable Increases flexibility of system No possible performance drawback Two-region Hadronic Isolation May increase flexibility/robustness of performance Slight improvement in jet rejection. Common RoI Algorithm Technical simplification No adverse effect on performance (maybe very small gain)