Return on Investment: Return on the Scientist’s Investment Carol Meyer, Erin Robinson Foundation for Earth Science
Overview Definition of module Background High level overview
Background Traditionally, science has placed high value on journal publications with high citation indexes. Data management activities have been unclearly defined Structures for storing data have not been reliable Many scientist don’t see data management as part of their responsibilities
Return on Investment The cost (time, money and research risk) for scientist to perform the data management tasks needed to share data compared to the rewards or benefits that he or she gets from sharing data.
Positive ROI for Data Management Data repositories get far more use than journals, so data has wider reach Data increases in value and quality through multiple use By others sharing their data, you have access to more information to do better science. Capture more information than is included in publication
How to Maximize your ROI Contribute data that would benefit other researchers Add useful metadata to make data easier to find and access … ?
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