Everyone’s a Winner A Study of Conflict and Mediation IntroductionIntroduction Task ProcessEvaluation ConclusionTaskProcessEvaluation
Goals Students will be able to: Ask questions and explore theories Have opportunities to generate new ideas Develop the essential skills of logical thinking, creative problem solving, intellectual risk taking, and communicating Become familiar with various techniques of mediation and conflict resolution strategies Gain awareness of current conflicts, nationally and internationally
Introduction You are running for President in the year As part of the election process, you must be educated on current controversial topics and possible future conflicts. More importantly, you must decide where you stand on these issues. The future of our world could be in your hands. Learn from the past and prepare for the future.
Task First, you will explore conflict and resolution in your own life. Then, you will explore conflicts in our country and around the world. Finally, as a group you will choose a controversial topic to explore in depth. Your group will prepare for a debate in which you will present your information. At the end of the debate, you will be expected to reach an agreement with the opposing group.
What is mediation? lw&tracker=False mediation.com/articles/define- mediation/types-of-mediation.php
Process – Step One Think of conflicts in your everyday life? What are some examples? How do you resolve the conflict? Write a personal narrative or a play illustrating a conflict you have experienced and how it was resolved.
Process- Step Two Visit the following website: Choose three court cases to examine. Consider the following: What were the issues at stake? What were the differing opinions in each case? How were the issues resolved? Have the issues been disputed again? How? Has there been a difference in more recent resolutions?
Process – Step Three What can you tell me about international conflicts? Visit the following website: Create an illustrated timeline summarizing 5 of the conflicts - (username: MsWiz Password: 12345http:// Can you think of alternative solutions?
Process – Step Four Cloning Animal Experimentation Vaccines for kids Prayer in schools Video games and violence Alternative energy vs fossil fuels Capital Punishment Gun Control Year-Round School Use the following links to explore these topics. dical You will be divided into small groups based on your interests. You will then be split by your opinions. Once you are in your group, list what information you need to know in order to effectively be a part of a conflict resolution meeting. Begin your research log. What interests you???
Process – Step Five First, your group must create a research proposal including the following: Guiding questions Research components Research Proposal.doc
Process - Cloning Use the following links to help you with your research oning.shtml oning.shtml ng/ ng/ loning.htm loning.htm
Process – Animal Experimentation
Process – Vaccines Use the following links to help you with your research vaccines04_ST_N.htm vaccines04_ST_N.htm vaccines-cleared-of-autism-diabetes-link-new-report vaccines-cleared-of-autism-diabetes-link-new-report
Process - Cloning
Process – Video Games and Violence
Process – Gun Control
Process – Prayer in School
Process – Year-Round School
Process – Capital Punishment
Process – Alternative Fuels vs Fossil Fuels
Examples of guiding questions What is the point of view on this topic of a person in my role? Do I share or disagree with that point of view? How will this issue best be mediated? Who will the people be on the other side of the issue? Is there a middle ground on the issue or are their compromises which can be made from the perspective of my role? What would a concession look like from my side? What are the future impacts of varying decisions on the issue?
Research Components The issue to be resolved The three to five guiding questions you will investigate, as well as hypothetical answers to those questions from the perspective of your role. Resources you will need to find answers to questions, such as primary and secondary sources, correspondence with experts on the subject, etc (These should be specific websites, articles, etc…don’t forget GALE database)
Research Log Your research log contains resources used and notes from each source. (Should be completed in Microsoft word) Remember to use EasyBib and ask me if you need help. Research Log.doc
Research Log Example Reseach Log Topic EXAMPLE: Source 1 MLA Citation "The evidence is in." Good Housekeeping Dec. 2010: 117. Student Resource Center - Junior. Web. 1 Apr Documents&type=retrieve&tabID=T003&prodId=IPS&docId=A &source=gale&userGroupName=red26970&version=1.0 Information: Source 2 MLA Citation "Playing Politics." Electronic Gaming Monthly 1 Aug Student Resource Center - Junior. Web. 1 Apr Documents&type=retrieve&tabID=T003&prodId=IPS&docId=A &source=gale&userGroupName=red26970&version=1.0 Information:
Evaluation You will present a well organized PowerPoint to the class demonstrating the knowledge you gained through the research process. Remember the following: You must be prepared for counterargument All sources must be cited on each slide Your last slide must list all sources in MLA format (Works Cited Page) You must be prepared to come up with a solution to RESOLVE the problem. You must be prepared to answer questions from the audience.
PowerPoint Creative and Neat Should address guiding questions and other research that supports your claim May contain other interesting facts EVERY SLIDE SHOULD HAVE A CITATION AT THE BOTTOM!!!! Citation may be the author’s last name and publishing date (Wisdom, 2000), it may be the title of the article (Video Games and Violence), or the website. I prefer the author and publishing date, but if the information is not available you may document using the title or website.
Bibliography Your final slide should be a collection of all of your resources. You should have 3-5 resources
Bibliography Example "The evidence is in." Good Housekeeping Dec. 2010: 117. Student Resource Center - Junior. Web. 1 Apr < Documents&type=retrieve&tabID=T003&prodId=IPS&docId=A &source=gale&userGro upName=red26970&version=1.0http://find.galegroup.com/gps/infomark.do?&contentSet=IAC- Documents&type=retrieve&tabID=T003&prodId=IPS&docId=A &source=gale&userGro upName=red26970&version=1.0 Playing Politics." Electronic Gaming Monthly 1 Aug Student Resource Center - Junior. Web. 1 Apr Documents&type=retrieve&tabID=T003&prodId=IPS&docId=A &source=gale&userGro upName=red26970&version=1.0