THE AMPITHEATRE OF DOOOOOOOM In the roman times they enjoyed blood thirtsty games.& criminals hat to try and kill lions and bears.
GLADIATORS The best way to get a man to fight to the death is to use a man who has nothing to lose, which is why slaves, criminals, and prisoners-of-war were ideal for the job. If a man was really good, he might keep winning and get his freedom.
RICH ROMAN HOUSES even towns have been found. Roman houses, especially ones belonging to rich people, were so well built that the remains of villas and even towns have been found. Roman houses, especially ones belonging to rich people, were so well built that the remains of villas and even towns have been found. Roman houses, especially ones belonging to rich people, were so well built that the remains of villas and even towns have been found.
CELTIC HOUSES The Celtic tribes lived in scattered villages. They lived in round houses with thatched roofs of straw or heather. The walls of their houses were made from local material. Houses in the south tended to be made from wattle (woven wood) and daub (straw and mud) as there was an ample supply of wood from the forests.