Introduction people business vision and goals Product design aims features and benefits competitive comparison current status What we are looking for manufacturing partners marketing and distribution partners investors
Introduction Opportunity Requirements Our approach A pictorial run through the project The product Progress with testing Where to from here?
Introduction Opportunity Requirements Our approach A pictorial run through the project The product Progress with testing Where to from here
Introduction Opportunity Requirements Our approach A pictorial run through the project The product Progress with testing Where to from here
Requirements: Economic viability (EROI, ROI) Quiet Reliable and long life Good performance in turbulent, disturbed wind Elegant, but with a low visual profile Easy to own and operate Domestic scale
Introduction Opportunity Requirements Our approach A pictorial run through the project The product Progress with testing Where to from here
Our Approach..
Introduction Opportunity Requirements Our approach A pictorial run through the project The product Progress with testing Where to from here
Introduction Opportunity Requirements Our approach A pictorial run through the project The product Progress with testing Where to from here
Thinair 102 Specifications Turbine type Horizontal axis, patented “teetering hub”, down wind, stall regulated Rotor diameter m Swept area m2 Number of blades Blade material Carbon/glass fibre epoxy hybrid Rated power kW Rated wind speed m/s Cut in wind speed m/s Cut out wind speed m/s Rated rotation speed rpm Rotation speed range rpm Alternator Permanent magnet, axial flux, 3 phase, direct drive Inverter input V DC Annual energy output at kWh 5m/s (average wind speed) Control system Powerhouse Wind electronic control Turbine top of tower weight kg Minimum recommended m tower height
Introduction Opportunity Requirements Our approach A pictorial run through the project The product Progress with testing Where to from here
Introduction Opportunity Requirements Our approach A pictorial run through the project The product Progress with testing Where to from here?
The big questions.. Does it work as it should? Can we make it for a sensible cost? Will customers buy it for a sensible price? Will we find a cornerstone investor in time? Strategy summary.. Early manufacturing Pilot marketing Development from there..