Charles by Shirley Jackson Objective: Recognize the plot twist in a story
What is a plot twist A plot twist is an unexpected development or turn of events A plot twist is an unexpected development or turn of events Movie examples: Movie examples: PsychoThe Village The Sixth SenseThe Others Twilight Zone The Landlady Shows
Vocabulary Renounce Renounce Def: to give up; abandoned
He acted insolently when his teacher asked him to be quiet. He acted insolently when his teacher asked him to be quiet. Def: with bold disrespect
He warily climbed the mountain He warily climbed the mountain Def: cautiously
“Why didn’t I get some juice,” she said incredulously. “Why didn’t I get some juice,” she said incredulously. Def: unbelievingly
The boy was haggard after his long day The boy was haggard after his long day Def: looking worn-out and exhausted
LA - Assignment In ISN, write a summary that contains the following information. In ISN, write a summary that contains the following information. 1. summarize the story (use at least two of your vocabulary words in the summary and HIGHLIGHT them) 2. describe the plot twist at the end 3. describe the clue the author gives you to Charles’s identity 4. Process at the top