Research Phase, Indiana 811, Initial Notice, Verification Deborah Porter Project Engineer/Utility Coordinator Clark Dietz, Inc.
Utility Research Know how to get started: Review the project scope and intent Review the project schedule Know the UC process 105 IAC 13 Indiana Design Manual (IDM) Chapter 104 Utility Coordination Utility Accommodation Policy (UAP) INDOT Utility Coordination page
Utility Research Create the UC Schedule: INDOT’s SPMS contains most information needed to create the schedule and start the Research INDOT PM or Utility Oversight Agent Reference post information How does the schedule align with the project intent?
Utility Research
What is the product? After each Research step, record: Utility companies’ names, or no data found Name of person recording the information Date when information obtained Name of person supplying the information At conclusion of Research phase, summarize all information and submit to Designer and Oversight Agent
Utility Research Specific link to Authorized Rep ure/UtilityAddressList.htm ure/UtilityAddressList.htm Username and password needed – use the link on the page to send an to request the information Research Examples
Utility Research Permit Search
Utility Research
Design Ticket
Utility Research
Utility Initial Notice
Know who receives the Notice Include a map of the project area If no response within 30 days, follow up A project contact should be assigned
Utility Initial Notice
Utility Verification Verification Includes Obtain accurate utility locations Potential for SUE Septic systems and wells
Utility Verification Face to Face meeting Discuss complications and types of facilities Discuss design alternatives Obtain accurate utility locations Avoid utility impacts whenever feasible Ballpark estimate for relocation Establish reimbursable positions Discuss work in contract relocations
Utility Verification
Indiana 811 Indiana “Dig” Law IC IUPPS is the association An operator that has underground facilities located in Indiana must become a member of the association
Indiana 811 Locate flags must be maintained during construction Notice must be received at least 2 full working days, but not more than 20 calendar days prior to work Separate requests made if: Within incorporated area, every 1500’ In unincorporated area, every 2500’
Indiana 811 Locate markings Know your colors for different utilities Excavation responsibilities