Proposed Adaptive Management Plan Presented by the Great Bay Municipal Coalition Dover, Exeter, Newmarket, Portsmouth, and Rochester Dean Peschel
Areas of Agreement Nitrogen levels in the estuary have increased Nitrogen levels in the estuary have increased Eelgrass has declined in the estuary Eelgrass has declined in the estuary Oyster resources in the estuary are decimated Oyster resources in the estuary are decimated It is necessary to lower the nitrogen load to the estuary It is necessary to lower the nitrogen load to the estuary It is now time to begin nitrogen reduction efforts It is now time to begin nitrogen reduction efforts
Key Plan Components Efficient use of scarce resources Efficient use of scarce resources Addresses point and non point sources Addresses point and non point sources Monitor progress and adapt Monitor progress and adapt
Adaptive Management Process which blends Process which blends Scientific research Scientific research Monitoring Monitoring Practical Management activities Practical Management activities Learn By Doing Learn By Doing
Adaptive Management Proposal WWTP's contributing to Great Bay WWTP's contributing to Great Bay 8 mg/l N seasonal permit limits for 10 yrs 8 mg/l N seasonal permit limits for 10 yrs Operational within 5 yrs or sooner Operational within 5 yrs or sooner Assess WQ improvements during permit Assess WQ improvements during permit Invest in WQ and Habitat monitoring Invest in WQ and Habitat monitoring Invest in Bio-extraction and habitat restoration projects Invest in Bio-extraction and habitat restoration projects Oyster restoration and aquaculture Oyster restoration and aquaculture Eelgrass restoration Eelgrass restoration
Adaptive Management Proposal Stormwater improvements Stormwater improvements Adopt consistent stormwater regulations Adopt consistent stormwater regulations Adopt watershed wide use of BMP's Adopt watershed wide use of BMP's Partner with UNH to develop effective BMP's Partner with UNH to develop effective BMP's Septic system contribution Septic system contribution Develop and implement a strategy- NHDES Develop and implement a strategy- NHDES Fertilizer use controls Fertilizer use controls NH Legislature enabling legislation NH Legislature enabling legislation Work with manufacturer's to reformulate product Work with manufacturer's to reformulate product
Adaptive Management Proposal Stream and wetland buffers Stream and wetland buffers Protection Protection re-establishment re-establishment Watershed Nutrient trading program NHDES Watershed Nutrient trading program NHDES Perform literature search on macroalgae and nitrogen in the estuarine environment Perform literature search on macroalgae and nitrogen in the estuarine environment