The study of the physical, chemical, hydrological, and biological aspects of fresh water. Limnology helps to explain why some lakes have lots of plants and animals and some have very few. LIMNOLOGY
Water that collects contaminants as it trickles through wastes, pesticides or fertilizers. Leaching may occur in farming areas, feedlots, and landfills, and may result in hazardous substances entering surface water, ground water, or soil. Leachate is most commonly used in the context of land-filling of putrescible or industrial waste. LEACHATE
A pesticide that causes adverse health effects in domestic water supplies and is toxic to freshwater fish and aquatic life. Lindane is used in shampoos and lotions in the U.S. to control headlice and scabies. LINDANE
Water that is unsafe or unpalatable to drink because it contains pollutants, contaminants, minerals, or infective agents. There are many other types of non-potable water, including stormwater, dam and creek water, bore water and even rainwater collected in rainwater tanks. NON-POTABLE
An Eco Architect is an architect that specializes in producing designs that should: Minimize environmental impact, across the whole life cycle of the resultant building; Maximize the use of recycled or reclaimed materials; Minimize the operational costs of the buildings by employing energy efficiency techniques in the building design. The end result should be a building which is good for the environment and cheap to live in. Bengt Warne was a very skilled eco architect and researcher who devoted his life to designing and erecting houses that would allow people to live in harmony with nature. ECO ARCHITECT
An Ecohome is a house which has been designed from the ground up to be environmentally friendly whilst at the same time energy efficient. The Eco-Home™is a restored and retrofitted California style bungalow, circa 1911 that shows us how simple but wise property improvements can make your home warm, friendly yet environmentally sound and healthy. ECOHOME