BELARUS WILDLIFE Belarus is a home to huge array of wild animals and birds, many of which are rare species. It have been recorded about 76 species of animals and 300 species of birds in this country.
Robin Woodpecker Crow Sparrow EagleHummingbird Goldfinch Blue Jay Birds of Washington The House sparrow is the number two urban pest birds. Woodpeckers peck trees to get bugs. The American Robin or Robin Red Breast is a common bird in the thrush family Blue Jays are blue, white, and black. The Goldfinch is the state bird. Humming Birds can fly in all directions. The Eagle has the biggest wing span of most birds. Crows are predators and scavengers, so they will eat practically anything. Blue Jay
Bears Of Washington Black Bears The most common and widely distributed bear in North America is the black bear. The Black Bears in Washington live in a diverse array of forested habitats. They can live in rainforests to dried woodlands. Black Bears like the forest cover a lot. The population of the Black Bears in Washington is 25,000-30,000 bears. Brown Bears The Brown Bear belongs to the Ursidae family. Brown Bears live in dense tropical forests and grassy plains that stretch up to 10,000 feet, (3,048 m). Brown Bears are omnivores and eat lots of different plants and animals. Some of the types of plants they eat are herbs, tubers, and berries. Some of the animals they eat are small rodents, salmon, trout, carrion ( dead animals), young hoofed animals, and occasionally livestock. Brown Bears live from in the wild.
Columbian-Black Tailed Deer White-Tailed Deer Rocky Mountain Mule Deer Deer of Washington State The Columbian-Black Tailed Deer is the Washington State Deer. The Rocky Mountain Mule Deer are located east of the Cascades and they prefer open forests and sagebrush meadows. The White-Tailed Deer are most known in eastern Washington farmlands. They are also comfortable with people since they are near farmers and small towns.
Rodents of Washington State Whether you like it or not, rodents are everywhere in Washington, from the mice in your garage to the squirrels in your backyard. Western Gray Squirrel The Western Gray Squirrel, is native all along the west coast and generally lives for 7-8 years Olympic Marmot The Olympic Marmot is the state mammal of Washington. House Mouse The house mouse, lives near humans all over the world. Bushy-tailed Woodrat The Bushy-tailed Woodrat is a packrat and collects shiny objects.
Wisdom Quotes In A Conclusion We cannot command nature except by obeying her. Francis Bacon Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you. Frank Doyd Wright The happiest man is the one who learns from nature the lessons of worship. Ralph Waldo Emerson There is a way that nature speaks, that land speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough, to pay attention to the story. Linda Hogan
SOURCES : Projects and PowerPoint Presentations of the participants of LC “Places and Perspectives” (January-May 2011)