Common Insects - Identification by Order. Order - Anoplura Simple Sucking Only Hog Louse Can attack deer, moose, elk, wild hogs.


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Presentation transcript:

Common Insects - Identification by Order

Order - Anoplura Simple Sucking Only Hog Louse Can attack deer, moose, elk, wild hogs

Hog Louse

Order - Blattodea Simple Chewing Cockroaches

American cockroach

Order - Coleoptera Complete Chewing Beetles, Weevils, and Rootworms

Alfalfa Weevil

Bean Leaf Beetle Black Triangle behind neck

Blister Beetle

Click Beetle

Colorado Potato Beetle

Elm Leaf Beetle

Flea Beetle

Green June Beetle

Ground Beetle

Ladybird Beetle

Lightningbug (firefly)

Metallic Wood-Boring Beetle

Mexican Bean Beetle

Northern Corn Rootworm

Soldier Beetle

Southern Corn Rootworm (Spotted Cucumber Beetle)

Order - Diptera Complete Sucking Flies & Mosquitoes

Horse Fly

House Fly


Order - Ephemeroptera Simple Chewing Mayfly

Order - Hemiptera Simple Sucking Bugs

Assassin bug

Boxelder Bug

Brown Stink Bug

Damsel bug Enlarged front legs

Giant Water Bug

Green Stink Bug

Squash Bug

Water strider

Order - Homoptera Simple Sucking Cicada, Leafhopper, Treehopper, Mealybug


Order - Hymenoptera Complete Chewing Stinging Insects


Bald-faced hornet

Bumble Bee Often confused with carpenter bees, bumble bees are characterized by the hairiness of the abdomen (carpenter bees have a smooth abdomen).

Carpenter bee

Honey Bee

Mud Dauber Wasp

Velvet ant


Order - Isoptera Simple Chewing Termites


Order - Lepidoptera Complete Sucking Moths and Butterflies

Black Cutworm Moth

Buckeye Butterfly

Cabbage Butterfly

Codling Moth

Corn Earworm Moth

European Corn Borer Moth

Monarch Butterfly

True armyworm moth

Viceroy butterfly Extra black line

Order - Mantodea Simple Chewing Praying Mantid

Order - Neuroptera Complete Chewing Dobsonfly & Green Lacewig

Green Lacewing

Order - Odonata Simple Chewing Damselfly & Dragonfly



Order - Orthoptera Simple Chewing Grasshoppers & Crickets

Differential Grasshopper (Short- Horned)

Field Cricket

Long-horned Grasshopper

Mole Cricket

Order - Phasmatodea Simple Chewing Walking Stick

Walking stick

Order - Plecoptera Simple Chewing Stonefly

Order - Siphonaptera Complete Sucking Flea

Order - Trichoptera Complete Chewing Caddisfly

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