Ground rules created by students Classroom mission statements Classroom & student measurable goals Quality tools and PDSA used regularly The Continuous Improvement Classroom Classroom data centers Classroom meetings facilitated by students Student-led conferences Student data folders
Mission Statement Defining the Purpose Defines who we are Defines who we are Focuses students, parents and teacher on the learning goals Focuses students, parents and teacher on the learning goals Aligns district, school, class and students Aligns district, school, class and students
Process and Tools for Creating a Mission Statement Silently brainstorm Silently brainstorm Who are we? Who are we? Why are we here? Why are we here? What do we stand for? What do we stand for? How will we know we are there? How will we know we are there?
Mission Statements Empower Students Student created Student created Common focus Common focus Create an environment of acceptance Create an environment of acceptance Communicate what is important Communicate what is important