2011 pilot census ( CENSUS PREPARATORY WORK) 28 nd May, 2012 Integrating Agricultural Questions with 2020 Census Programmes
BACKGROUND SURVEYS / CENSUS Employment status Occupations & Industries Consumptions of Home Produces Cash & non-cash income of agricultural commodities Home produces Subsistence fishing Crops & vegetables produces Subsistence farming (pigs, chicken, ducks) Participation of hholds in agricultural activities
OUTCOME Table H30. Crops grown and purpose of growing them by the households CropsTotalMainly subsistenceMainly commercialBoth Coconut Breadfruit66 00 Pulaka18 00 Talo15 00 Banana Pandanus S/ potato8800 Felo10 00 Pumpkin13 00 Bele15 00 Other10 00
OUTCOME Table H32. Size of home garden VillageTotal 10 sqr metres or less sqr metres sqr metres sqr metres sqr metres More than 30 sqr metres Total SENALA ALAPI VAIAKU
OUTCOME Table H33. Weights harvested and cycles of vegetables grow by the households Vegetables Total households Weights (kg) harvested weekly Cycles for planting annually Average weights (kg) Average no. of cycles Cabbage Cucumber Tomato Pepper Egg plant Pawpaw Other
OUTCOME Table H34. Usage of fertilizers by households Fertilizers Total households Once a weekTwice a weekThrice a week Organic Chemical 3210 Animal waste Table H38. Number of animals, chicken and ducks Vegetables Total Local Breed Cross Breed Pure Breed Pigs Chicken Duck 0000 Goats 0000 Dogs Cats 75 00
OUTCOME Table H39a. Types of housing used to keep the animals Types of housingPigsChickenGoatsDucks Total 113 Modern Local 4400 Both 6000 No housing 0400 Not Applicable Table H39b. Method used to keep the animal waste Types of waste disposal PigsChickenGoatsDucks Total 113 Septic tank Pit 4000 Open flush Not Applicable
OUTCOME Table H39c. Distance of places that keep the animals to the respective households Types of waste disposal PigsChickenGoatsDucks Total 113 Less than 50m to 100m to 150m21000 More than 150m62200 Not Applicable