Managing Learning and Knowledge Capital Human Resource Development: Chapter 4 HRD Needs Investigation: An overview Copyright © 2010 Tilde University Press
The importance of HRDNI Only systematic way of deciding –Whether a HRD solution is required –The most appropriate HRD solution Links HRD to the organisation’s strategic plan Identifies whether staff have sufficient skills and knowledge Minimises waste of resources, such as staff time Maximises potential benefits of the learning interventions 2
HRDNI defined Identifies the gap – expected vs actual Four categories –Performance deficiency –Diagnostic audit –Democratic preference –Pro-active analysis May have multiple meanings –One-off investigation –Ongoing surveillance –Scanning of future problems and challenges Must do a General Needs Analysis first –If a HRD issue, then do a HRDNI 3
The HRDNI identifies The content and learning objectives The population The resources needed The context and organisational politics 4
Two levels of HRDNI Surveillance level –Continually survey the internal and external environment –Organisational strategic plan –HRD strategic plan –The internal environment Quality control system and safety reports Financial control system Staff turnover and sick leave Performance appraisal system Managerial observation 5
Two levels of HRDNI ( cont ) The investigation level – when surveillance stage indicates a possible issue Data gathering –Interviewing and focus groups (see Chapter 6) –Organisational records, observation, assessment centres Data analysis –Quantitative and qualitative techniques –Learning objectives – terminal behaviour, Standards, Conditions –Competencies –Learning outcomes –Other components – e.g., target population Pivotal nature of learning objectives 6
Investigation plan Operational base Authority base Key role players –Initiator –Decider –Loose connections Other sources of information Investigation methods Time frames Allow time to analysis and writing report 7
Selecting a HRDNI method The strategic orientation Advantages and disadvantages – see Table 4.2 Initial impressions not always accurate –Organisational politics –Espoused theory vs theory-in-action –Organisational defence mechanisms The above 3 cannto be dismissed – but cannot be ignored either 8
The HRDNI report Reason for conducting Describe the investigator Describe processes used Define the learner population Define learning outcomes and learning objectives Justify the design learning experiences needed Note information that can be used in the learning experience Plan the evaluation 9
The need for the HRDNI Often not done, because: –Can be difficult and time consuming –Action is valued over research –More attractive options (e.g., fads) –Lack of senior management support Cannot hide from the strategic imperatives Important underlying precepts of HRDNI –Is a dynamic and continuous process –The investigation stage must satisfy a demand –Invest to insure subsequent action is more efficient & effective –Decreases the risk of inappropriate action 10