Social Studies Action Research Kennedy High School
PDSA Cycle Plan – Do – Study – Act (PDSA) Cycle guides the continuous improvement process for the action research team
Goal #2Social Studies By creating a student survey, the social studies department will assess student satisfaction and expectations related to the student social studies experience at Kennedy.
Define the SystemGoal #2 Our department would like specific feedback from students as to course offerings, student workload expectations, and student perceptions of AP courses.
Assess Current SituationGoal #2 The Kennedy High School May 2005 student satisfaction survey provided only baseline information related to satisfaction and comfort, but did not provide enough useful detail.
Analyze CausesGoal #2 Students need an opportunity to share, in a constructive format, their views of the social studies experience at KHS. A more comprehensive, department-wide survey would provide useful information that cuts across course offerings, but also delves into specific courses.
Try Out Improvement Theory Goal #2 We have created a survey that will be given to all seniors this spring. This survey will become our baseline data as we discuss specific ways to improve our department.
Study – Study the ResultsGoal #2 Results will be studied at the end of the school year, and proposed changes will be implemented in the or school years.
Act – Standardize Improvement Not to this point in the cycle yet.
Act – Plan Continuous Improvement Not to this point in the cycle yet.