Social Studies Action Research Kennedy High School
PDSA Cycle Plan – Do – Study – Act (PDSA) Cycle guides the continuous improvement process for the action research team
Goal #3Social Studies Develop opportunities for student participation in local government
Define the SystemGoal #3 US Government classes can be enhanced by offering real-world, hands-on experience Experience at the local government level eliminates the need for costly travel and lodging during an internship experience
Define the SystemGoal #3 An internship experience with our local city government would be meaningful and relevant to life in Cedar Rapids
Assess Current SituationGoal #3 With the change of government in Cedar Rapids, the internship program that existed with the previous government has been put on hold. This gives us time to find out more about the program
Analyze CausesGoal #3 Students need opportunity to apply US Government course material to real life Since a program exists, it is in our best interest to investigate and pursue it
Try Out Improvement Theory Goal #3 Not to this point yet
Study the ResultsGoal #3 Not to this point yet
Standardize Improvement Not to this point yet.
Plan Continuous Improvement Not to this point yet.