Skin and the Integumentary system Chapter 6 Skin and the Integumentary system
Skin contains many different types of tissue
General Structure Two distinct regions or layers compose the skin: Epidermis = outermost layer keratinized stratified squamous ET Dermis = inner layer keratinized epithelium (hair follicles) glandular epithelium (sweat, sebaceous glands) dense irregular CT (collagen) smooth muscle tissue (arrector pili muscles) nervous tissue (Meissner's & Pacinian Corpuscles) blood vessels Subcutaneous layer (hypodermis)= adipose tissue distinct layer beneath skin
SKIN AND ITS TISSUES (Cutaneous Membrane)
Skin Functions Protection: Physical barrier Chemical barrier from water loss from injury from chemicals and microorganisms Chemical barrier pH or 5-6 prevents microorganism growth Biological barrier Langerhan’s cells (epidermis) Macrophages and mast cells (dermis) Excretion (minimal, most through kidneys!): urea uric acid
Functions cont. Regulation of body temperature Cutaneous Sensation: Light touch detection = Meissner's Corpuscle's egg-shaped located in dermal papillae populate areas in the fingertips, palms, soles, eyelids, tip of tongue, nipples, clitoris, tip of penis Pressure detection = Pacinian Corpuscle's onion-shaped located in deep dermis and subcutaneous regions
Functions cont. Vitamin D Synthesis: Blood Reservoir: Immunity: UV rays in sunlight activate its synthesis Vitamin D is required for bone homeostasis Blood Reservoir: The dermis houses about 10% of the body's blood vessels Skin only requires 1-2% of the body’s blood Immunity: Langerhan’s cells (macrophages) interact with T-helper cells in immune responses
Epidermis Four distinct layers determined by the extent of keratinization in the epithelial cells thickest on palms and soles (0.8-1.4mm) 1. Stratum corneum = outermost layer composed of dead epithelial cells filled with the protein keratin Stratum lucidum = translucent layer cells separating s. corneum from s. granulosum extra layer only in thick skin of soles & palms 2. Stratum granulosum is composed of 3-5 layers of flattened granular cells (filled with keratin granules)
Epidermis cont. 3. Stratum spinosum is composed of many layers of spiky cells with large nuclei 4. Stratum basale (germinativum)= innermost layer directly above basement membrane composed of a single row mitosing cuboidal epithelial cells and composed of melanocytes specialized cells that produce the pigment melanin
Epidermis Function Main Function = Protection (keratin): prevents moisture loss (waterproof) prevents injury by penetration prevents microorganisms/chemicals entry Pigment = Melanin: determines skin color is produced by melanocytes in stratum basale (germinativum)
Dermis inner layer of skin binds epidermis to underlying tissues on average 1.0-2.0mm thick Contains several tissue types and structures
Dermis Structure: two distinct layers papillary layer (20%) is below epidermis composed of loose areolar CT surface forms dermal papillae (finger-like projections into the epidermis) that form fingerprints in thick skin Meissner's Corpuscles (sensory receptor for light touch)
Dermis cont. reticular layer (80%) = dense irregular CT which give skin its strength and resiliency bundles of collagen fibers elastic fibers reticular fibers Pacinian corpuscles –sensory receptors for deep pressure The dermis houses epidermal derivatives or accessory organs (see below) Main Function = nourishment of epidermis
Subcutaneous Layer Subcutaneous Layer (hypodermis) = beneath skin Structure = adipose tissue, blood vessels, loose connective tissue Function = insulation
ACCESSORY ORGANS OF THE SKIN (Epidermal Derivatives)
Hair Follicles Structure: Keratinization root or base in deep dermis follicle throughout dermis hair shaft in epidermis Keratinization made of epithelial cells cells in root = active mitosis cells in follicle = maturing & accumulating keratin cells in epidermis = dead epithelial cells full of keratin = exposed hair or hair shaft
Hair Follicles cont. Pigment = Melanin Arrector Pili Muscle = a bundle of smooth muscle associated with every hair follicle causes hair to stand on end ("goose bumps") when frightened or cold
Nails Epithelium undergoing keratinization (active mitosis in lunula) Functions: manipulation protection of digit ends
Sebaceous Glands holocrine gland (simple cuboidal epithelium) Usually associated with hair follicles Secretion (holocrine) = sebum (i.e. oil) fat cellular material Sebum is secreted into hair follicle Function: Sebum keeps skin & hair soft, pliable and virtually waterproof Disorders: acne (hypersecretion of sebum; ducts clog & inflame) seborrhea (hyperproduction of sebum; oily scales)
ACCESSORY ORGANS OF THE SKIN (Epidermal Derivatives)
Skin Glands Skin Glands (Sweat Glands or Sudoriferous Glands) Two types (based on glandular secretion): Merocrine (Eccrine) Glands Structure: coil in deep dermis duct in dermis pore at surface
Skin Glands cont. Characteristics: Location: forehead, neck, back respond to elevated temperature / exercise no odor in secretion function throughout life not associated with hair follicles Location: forehead, neck, back Secretion (merocrine) = water plus salts wastes (urea and uric acid)
Skin Glands cont. Apocrine glands Structure: ducts terminate into hair follicles Characteristics: respond to stress / emotions odor in secretion begin to function at puberty & continue through life associated with hair follicles Location: armpits, groin
Skin Glands cont. Secretion (apocrine) = sweat similar to Merocrine plus: oil and cellular debris Modified Apocrine Glands Ceruminous glands = external ear secretion = earwax Mammary glands = breasts Secretion=milk the above structures are epithelial in nature and are actually specialized parts of the epidermis, even though their location is within the dermis
Heat production and loss Heat production is mostly a by-product of cellular metabolism Heat loss is controlled by regulating dermal blood flow Vasodilation – increases dermal blood flow, which also increases heat loss Vasoconstriction – decreases dermal blood flow which decreases heat loss
Heat Loss Heat loss is by four methods 1. Radiation 2. Conduction most heat loss by this mode infrared heat rays move from area of high heat (i.e. the blood) to areas of low heat (i.e. the environment) 2. Conduction less heat loss heat moves by physical contact the reason the seat you sit in is warm when you stand up
Heat Loss cont. 3. Convection 4. Evaporation heat loss to surrounding air increases as air movement increases, that is why turning on a fan cools your body 4. Evaporation heat loss varies if heat increases our sweating increases, so we lose more heat by evaporating the sweat on the surface of our skin
Heat Production Low body temperatures require heat loss to be minimized The Hypothalamus signals for sweating to decrease (decreasing heat loss by evaporation) and dermal vasoconstriction (decreasing heat loss by radiation) Usually this brings the body temperature back to normal If the body temperature remains low after the above action Heat must be produced Shivering occurs and the tiny muscle contractions involved produce heat
Figure 06.11
Problems in Temperature Regulation Hyperthermia – elevated body temperature Two common causes humid air decreases evaporation air temperature exceeds body temperature, thus heat is gained not lost Hypothermia – low body temperature very dangerous if core body temperature drops below 94 F limbs can withstand about 65 F because they contain no vital organs cause is intentional during some surgical procedures
Skin Color Genetic Factors People of different races have essentially the same number of melanocytes the amount of melanin produced varies (determined by DNA) Environmental Factors affect melanin production: by affecting gene expression UV rays chemicals drugs (antihistamines & antibiotics)
Skin Color Physiologic Factors may affect skin color (but not melanin production): Carotene may accumulate in s. corneum = orange Hemoglobin (Hb) in dermal blood vessels = pink Lack of Hb in dermal blood vessels = blue (cyanosis.) Inability to breakdown Hb (liver problems) = yellow (jaundice)
Cuts Epidermal cuts are closed by increased cell division in the stratum basale Deep cuts involve blood vessel damage resulting in bleeding. This activates blood clotting mechanisms
Burns Superficial partial-thickness burns (1st degree) Epidermis only Reddening due to increased blood flow Mild pain Common in sunburn Heals in a few days-2 weeks Deep partial-thickness burns (2nd degree) Epidermis and some dermal damage Reddening and blistering caused by blood vessel damage Moderate pain Common to physical contact with hot objects Heals in 2-6 weeks without scars unless infected
Burns cont. Full-thickness burns (3rd degree) Epidermis, entire dermis, and potentially subcutaneal damage Dry, leathery tissue with red or black color Severe pain Caused by prolonged heat or chemical contact Healing rarely occurs due to lack of surviving skin cells, skin replacements (grafts) are usually needed, usually extensive scarring Autograft – transplant from undamaged area of yourself Homograft – temporary transplant from cadaver
Burns cont. Body Surface affected Estimated by “rule of nines” All of the percentages in the next figures are multiples/fractions of 9 Add up to 100% Important for determining treatment and prognosis
Life Span Changes Aging skin exhibits: wrinkling sagging age spots or liver spots Efficient regulation of body temperature declines with age The number of sweat glands changes Capillary beds in the skin shrink Synthesis of vitamin D declines as skin ages, which affects skeletal health