2007 ITBS/ ITED Results Cedar Rapids Community Schools
DefinitionsDefinitions Proficient: Scoring above the 40 th NPR Cohort: a class of students (e.g. the class of 2008) Full Academic Year (FAY): students who have been enrolled continuously in the district from one standardized test date to the next
Trends by Grade Across Years Trends for grades 4, 8, 11 Iowa NCLB compliance trajectories ITBS and ITED Reading Comprehension Mathematics
Reading Proficiency Trends - Grade 4 ITBS Reading Comprehension th Grade State Trajectory Percent Proficient Test Year
Reading Proficiency Trends - Grade 8 ITBS Reading Comprehension th Grade State Trajectory Percent Proficient Test Year
Reading Proficiency Trends - Grade 11 ITED Reading Comprehension th Grade State Trajectory Percent Proficient Test Year
Mathematics Proficiency Trends - Grade 4 ITBS Math Total th Grade State Trajectory Percent Proficient Test Year
Mathematics Proficiency Trends - Grade 8 ITBS Math Total th Grade State Trajectory Percent Proficient Test Year
Mathematics Proficiency Trends - Grade 11 ITED Math Total th Grade State Trajectory Percent Proficient Test Year
TrendsTrends District students have consistently performed above the States trajectories in grades 4, 8, and 11 in both reading comprehension and mathematics. With few exceptions, the percentage of students proficient at each grade level increases across the years.
8 th Grade Cohort Proficiency - Reading ITED Math Total ITBS/ITED – All Students Percent Proficient % 74.6% 66.9% 75.5% 70.9% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 4th Grade5th Grade6th Grade7th Grade8th Grade
11 th Grade Cohort Proficiency - Reading ITED Math Total ITBS/ITED - All Students Percent Proficient 11 th Grade
8 th Grade Cohort Proficiency - Math Percent Proficient 75.3% 78.2% 72.7%76.1% 68.8% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 4th Grade th Grade th Grade th Grade th Grade ITED Math Total All Students
11 th Grade Cohort Proficiency - Math ITED Math Total % 80.7% 86.9% 82.1% 77.9% 67.6% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 6th Grade th Grade th Grade ITBS/ITED - All Students Percent Proficient 7th Grade th Grade th Grade
Cohort Proficiency The percentage of students proficient in a cohort group typically increases across grade levels. While the percentage of low SES students proficient in reading and math varies, the trend is generally up.
2007 ITBS/ ITED Results Cedar Rapids Community Schools