Effects of Alcohol Alcohol effects: Brain Liver Kidney Stomach Heart
Short-Term Effects Diseases Heart disease Liver disease cancer Lowers your inhibitions Do things you wouldn’t do if sober Ignore the warning signs Do illegal things Easily influenced to do the wrong thing
Long-Term Effects Alcoholism Cardiovascular disease More alcohol you consume, over time your brain is more likely to shrink Leads to insomnia
Enlarges liver Permanent stain 50% of liver is stained between the first 30 days
Percentages % 2006,45% of drivers between the ages of who were in motor vehicle crashes died, because the driver and/or others involved had been drinking. The younger you start drinking the more likely you are to become addicted. 4of 10 people start drinking at age 15
Street Names of Alcohol Booze Brews Hard Stuff Juice Sauce
Slurred speech Blurred vision Memory problem Unintentional injuries HIV risk due to impaired judgment Paralysis of the nerves that move the eye Mental confusion Slowed reaction time #1 reason why you shouldn’t drink and drive. Effects on the body……..more effects!
Body Stomach Tar away stomach lining Dehydration Loose more water while body is trying to rid itself of alcohol Kidney More likely to develop kidney stones Liver Cancer and other liver problems Heart Increase blood pressure StomachKidney, Liver, Heart
Teen drunk drivers
Liver s/ws5/liver%20autopsies s/ws5/liver%20autopsies