National RTAP - Nichole Goldsmith, Executive Director AASHTO Standing Committee on Public Transportation Multi-State Technical Assistance Program (MTAP) Winter Meeting - Phoenix, AZ
RTAP is operated as a cooperative agreement with the Federal Transit Administration RTAP has both a national and state component. The National program serves as a companion to the state administered program RTAP has a State Manager in each of the 50 states RTAP has a rich history of collaboration, coordination and program deliver for over two decades National Rural Technical Assistance Program
RTAP Peer Network A Vital Part of National RTAP Regional Team Centric Led by an Advisory Group Currently has 25 peers Audience includes: Transit Operators, Tribal Transit Operators, RTAP Managers and the Rural Community-at-Large
National Rural Technical Assistance Program
Best Practice Briefs Briefs released in 2009 Driver Simulator Vehicle Maintenance Incident Management e-Grants System Healthy Habit Tips for Drivers Audience includes: Rural Community-at-Large
National Rural Technical Assistance Program
Scholarships National RTAP Supports Transit Industry Education Including Intertribal Transportation Association Rural Conference International Conferences & More Audience includes: Rural Community-at-Large
National Rural Technical Assistance Program
Rural Technical Resource & Communications Center R-TRAC Dedicated Specialists Offering TA R-TRAC Toll-Free R-TRAC Online Chat, , Webpage R-TRAC Training, Reports, Papers, Etc. R-TRAC Partner Program Promotion R-TRAC Webinars & Exhibits Audience includes: Rural Community-at-Large
National Rural Technical Assistance Program
R-TRAC Online Library Online Search Free Downloads Ability to Connect w/ Other Transit Libraries Free Application for Other Online Resource Centers Audience includes: Rural Community-at-Large
National Rural Technical Assistance Program
Research, Surveys, Reports Status of Rural Transit NTD Online Regional Assessments Audience includes: Rural Community-at-Large
Products for Scheduling & Dispatching Training Interactive Cost Allocation Software Interactive Procurement Software Tribal Transit Outreach Initiatives Human Services & Tribal Transit Procurement Primer ADA Rule Assessment Sensitivity Toolkit for Rural Operators Mentoring Primer ARRA Reporting Workshop for Tribes Updating Older RTAP Training Products
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