Welcome to the Northern California DX Club September 16, 2010
Slide 2 NCDXC September 16 Tonight’s Agenda Club Business –Introduction of Officers –Introduction of Members –New members –DX news –QSTs Feature Presentation – WRTC 2010 by Bob Wilson, N6TV NCDXC Raffle
Slide 3 NCDXC September 16 NCDXC Officers for Officers –President N6RC Richard Crouch –Vice PresK6TT Phil Steffora –SecretaryK6YP John Eisenberg –TreasurerW6OPO Bob Lanning Directors –Craig Bradley AE6RR (Past President) –Russ Bentson K6KLY –Steve Jones N6SJ –Peter Grabosky W6OOL –Risto KotalampiW6RK
Slide 4 NCDXC September 16 Introduction of Members & Guests Let’s Go Around the room… –Introduce yourself & any guests –Tell us what new DX you have bagged or –How did you get started in Ham Radio?
Slide 5 NCDXC September 16 New members? Secretary’s Report –John, K6YP –John has member applications –New membership voting? –Live membership voting
Slide 6 NCDXC September 16 Dues are Due Your annual dues are due NLT October 30th! –Unless you are a Life or Honorary Member of course The dues are $24 per year ($39 for families) You can now pay by Pay Pal! –Checks, envelopes or stamps not required, just click away! Go to Click on the [ Make Online Payment ] link below [ Membership Information ]Make Online Payment If you have moved, changed your call, changed your , etc. please add the new information to the Pay Pal form in the “comment” box
Slide 8 NCDXC September 16 DXer News Editor – Phil Verinsky, W6TQG Please help Phil by contributing content: – articles – photos – moving up the DX ladder Additional comments?
Slide 9 Sunspot Update 09/10/2010 The average daily sunspot numbers for the week rose nearly 13 points to 38.3, while the average daily solar flux was up more than four points at On September 2, one new sunspot group emerged, numbered 1105, joining sunspot groups 1101, 1102 and On September 4, group 1102 faded away, and then 1101 and 1103 vanished on September 6. Group 1105 went over the western side of the Sun by September 9, but a new spot may be emerging in the northeast. On September 9, the sunspot number was 0 and solar flux dropped to NCDXC September 16
Slide 10 NCDXC September 16 PJ7E - ST. MAARTEN Joe, W8GEX and Craig, K9CT, are the co-leaders for the upcoming St. Maarten DXpedition. Joe and Craig are pleased to announce that they have been granted permission to use PJ7E for their 10 day operation scheduled to begin on October 10th. All indications are that St. Maarten will become a "New One."
Slide 11 DX Profile – A Forbidding Coastline Can anyone guess where this is? DX Profile – A Forbidding Coastline Can anyone guess where this is? NCDXC September 16
Slide 12 South Georgia South Georgia is an island lying on the Scotia Arc in the South Atlantic Ocean located at 37° West, 54.5° South, about 1,300 Km East-South- East of the Falkland Islands. The island is about 160 Km long and trends North West to South East.Scotia ArcFalkland Islands NCDXC September 16
Slide 13 Who Needs It – N6RC! NCDXC September 16
Slide 14 Formation of the Scotia Arc Formation of the Scotia Arc Africa and South America were at one time a single continental mass. For over 200 million years, the two have continued to move away from each other. This movement takes place due to seismic activity on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a major fault in the earth's crust, running from Iceland to the edge of Antarctica. Molten basalt constantly rises to the sea bed from the earth's interior, forcing apart the plates on which stand the Americas and Africa. NCDXC September 16
Slide 15 Not an easy place to get to! Not an easy place to get to! Glaciers cover some 56% of the island. They have been retreating for 17,000 years, depositing millions of tons of moraine on the floor of the island's bays and surrounding ocean, and causing hazards to shipping NCDXC September 16
Slide 16 Perhaps your next Dxpedition? Perhaps your next Dxpedition? Much of the island is rugged and mountainous, covered by permanent ice and snow with sparse vegetation consisting of grass, moss, and lichen. The island has steep, glacier-covered mountains. The highest point is Mount Paget at 2,915 m. NCDXC September 16
Slide 17 Something you should know in case you want to go by boat! Shipwreck victims include include: Sally (1796), Regulator (1799), Canada (c 1800), Earl Spencer (c 1801), Admiral Colpoys (1817), Hope (1829), Fridtjof Nansen (1906) and EmestoTomquist (1950). NCDXC September 16
Slide 19 NCDXC September 16 California QSO Party (CQP) Begins: 1600 UTC - 2 October 2010 Ends: 2200 UTC - 3 October California counties on the air Work a few or work them all! Collect California County QSL cards Go to for rules & detailshttp://CQP.org
Slide 20 NCDXC September 16 NCDXC Net & W6TI On W6TI repeater, MHz, PL Net currently Thursday evenings at 8 PM Possible new time - Sunday evening at 8 PM to encourage more activity? Repeater Trustee – Jim, W6EB Repeater upgrade – Pete, W6OOL
Slide 21 NCDXC September 16 Upcoming Meetings October Meeting –Thursday, Oct 21 Holder’s –Program TBA
Slide 22 NCDXC September 16 NCDXC Club Store Check out the new club store on the web site: T-Shirts Coffee Mugs Mouse Pads Stickers
Slide 23 NCDXC September 16 Tonight’s Raffle Mike W6WZ & Carolyn WB6ABC have some great prizes! –1st Prize: YAESU VX-3 Dual Bander –Plus other great prizes Need Tickets? –see Carolyn or Mike –6 for $5 –12 for $10 –24 for $20 GOOD LUCK!
Slide 24 NCDXC September 16 Am-Tech Day Amateur Radio Technology Day –October 23 rd –8AM to 9PM –At SLAC –
Slide 25 NCDXC September 16 Additional QSTs Does anyone have any other short announcements they would like to make?
Feature Presentation
Slide 27 NCDXC September 16 WRTC 2010 by Bob Wilson, N6TV
Slide 28 NCDXC September 16 RAFFLE TIME! Does anyone need tickets before we start?
Slide 29 NCDXC September 16 Thanks for Coming Tonight!