Photo: Mike Fedak Jan/Feb temperature only SRDLs 7 prototype SRDL-CTDs SOUTH GEORGIA DEPLOYMENTS
Temperature sections of seals tagged at Kerguelen, crossing ACC en route to Antarctica Kerguelen
Elaine McDonagh National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
SR1b - has been occupied annually since 1993 (except for 2 years) Secure funding until 2012 (except in 2008/2009 season)
A21 section - secure funding - planned for February 2009 CTD, LADCP, oxygen, nutrients, transient tracers, carbon
A10 repeat - secure funding - planned for March 2009
Southern Ocean Box
Box inverse methods circulation on the boundaries gives estimates of flux divergences and mixing
Brazil Current mooring array Proposal for funding to be submitted on July 1st
Temperature profiles from seals tagged at South Georgia South Africa South Georgia
Photo: Mike Fedak SEaOS SEaOS: SEaO S S outhern E lephant seals a s O ceanographic S amplers In the UK:- Mike Fedak, Lars Boehme, Martin Biuw (Sea Mammal Research Unit) Mike Meredith (BAS).
And the seals don’t mind a bit…..!
Macquarie Island Heard/Kerguelen South Georgia Near-circumpolar distribution of seal trips