Adapting to an open data world: delivering international data for education and research in the UK Dr Jackie Carter Mimas, University of Manchester, UK E: T:JackieCarter
Acknowledgments: Simon Industrial Fellowship Fund, University of Manchester, UK ESDS-International Team RSS getstats campaign Open University SCORE Teaching Fellowship Programme World Bank
Outline of Talk 1.What’s Mimas? What’s ESDS? Who am I? 2.What’s happening in the UK? – Royal Statistical Society (RSS) getstats – Economic and Social Science Research Council (ESRC) and British Academy 3.Open University Teaching Fellowship Project – Open Educational Resources (OER) – Statistical literacy & sharing best practice 4.Adapting to an open data world
1. What’s Mimas?
A Nationally designated data centre A Centre of Excellence based in the University of Manchester An organisation of uniquely skilled experts A provider of world-class data and information resources to support research, learning and teaching
1. What’s ESDS?
The Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS) national data archiving and dissemination service for social science data principal data service for UK academic social science community core archiving services plus four specialist data services ESDS International ESDS Government ESDS Longitudinal ESDS Qualidata provide: dedicated web sites data and documentation enhancements user support training
ESDS International is run by Mimas and UK Data Archive promotes the use of international datasets in research and teaching across a range of disciplines provides free web-based access to key international macro level databanks helps users locate and acquire international micro level datasets Freely available to UK FE and HE – open data is open access! Authenticated via federated access (Shibboleth) and ESDS online registration Delivered via Beyond 20/20 Web Data Server (WDS) – moving to.STAT Download formats include *.xls, *.csv and *.ivt
Aggregate data portfolio … International Monetary Fund Direction of Trade Statistics Balance of Payments Statistics Government Finance Statistics International Financial Statistics World Economic Outlook World Bank World Development Indicators World Bank Global Development Finance Africa Development Indicators United Nations Common Database COMTRADE United Nations Industrial Development Organization Industrial Statistics Databases Demand Supply Databases ESDS International provides free online access to the full versions of the latest releases of these databases to the UK academic community.
Aggregate data portfolio (cont) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Education Statistics OECD Globalisation OECD International Development OECD International Direct Investment Statistics OECD International Migration Statistics OECD International Trade by Commodities Statistics OECD Main Economic Indicators OECD Main Science and Technology Indicators OECD National Accounts OECD Quarterly Labour Force Statistics OECD Services Statistics OECD STructural ANalysis OECD Social Expenditure Database International Energy Agency Coal Information CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion Electricity information Energy Prices and Taxes Energy Technology Research and Development Database Natural Gas Information Oil Information Renewables Information World Energy Statistics and Balances Eurostat New Cronos
ESDS-I Value-Add Academics value: being able to search and access all the data using a single interface helpdesk – authoritative advice dataset and software user guides video help guides training Annual conference to meet with data providers, give early career researchers opportunity to present
Source: ESDS Annual Report :
What do Academics Want? Research requirements for cross-national data. Russell, Murphy, Gemmell (3 rd OECD World Forum, Busan, 2009) Foreign direct investment in particular ranked highly across all the frequently selected countries. Series relating to education are of particular interest, in particular expenditure on education, and educational outcomes such as attainment and the fraction of the labour force with a secondary education.
The UK Data Service A new UK Data Service (UKDS) is being commissioned for launch in Fall 2012 The new service will bring together current ESRC data services into a single resource to provide a more unified, simpler and seamless access to data resources This includes the data currently hosted by ESDS International
1. Who am I? Senior manager for socioeconomic data and learning and teaching services Director for Jorum ( a national teaching and learning repository Teaching Fellow for the Open University’s Support Centre for Open Resources in Education (SCORE) Interested in use of data in teaching
2. What’s happening in the UK? Royal Statistical Society RSS
2. What’s happening in the UK? Funding for Quantitative Methods (QM) Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and British Academy – Curriculum Innovation and Research Developer Initiative ESRC Secondary Data Analysis Initiative Nuffield Foundation – QM for undergraduate social scientists
Quantitative Social Sciences: A Strategically Important and Vulnerable Subject Area
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and British Academy
Curriculum Innovation
Researcher Developer Initiative (RDI)
initiative-phase aspx Secondary Data Analysis Initiative (phase 1)
Nuffield Foundation (‘imminent’)
Usage Aug 2010 – Jul 2011 – Countries and Citizens: Unique page views: 15,928 – UNMDGs: Unique page views: 3,294 – Teaching Tools: Unique page views: 2,325 (from 28 Oct 2010) ESDS-I Value-Add for Teaching Developed by Susan Noble and Richard Wiseman Received e-learning commendation by Economics Network
3. Open University Teaching Fellowship
The aims of this project are to share teaching resources and expertise in those institutions already working to upskill students in QM; and to focus on resources that address global issues by using real world data The resulting open educational resources (OER) will be accompanied by ‘stories’ or narratives of exemplar usage, engaging social science learners with QM. The focus will be away from economics and psychology
Progress to date Interviewed: – Staff from 6 universities Leeds Metropolitan, Plymouth, London School of Economics and Political Science, Cardiff, Manchester Metropolitan, University of Manchester – Policy related – Save the Children – RSS Statistical Education Centre Attended: – BBC Data Journalist course – Sources, Scoops and Spreadsheets Planned: – NCRM (National Centre for Research Methods) colleagues in Southampton – Speak to all RDI/CI award holders – Involvement in an RDI bid at University of Manchester Speaking at: – OER12 conference, Cambridge, UK 2012 – 2012RC33 Eighth International Conference on Social Science Methodology, Sydney, July 2012
Findings to date Few lecturers are using data at undergraduate level in social science classes (except economics) If data used, mainly in lectures – hands-on is difficult Students hard to enthuse with data – But the innovative lecturers are attempting to do this Sharing of open educational resources – It’s going to be a long hard slog! – BUT willingness to share amongst peers as long as attribution is clear Link to skills and employability is important
Some outputs t/statistical- data-literacy Carter, J., Noble, S., Russell, A., Swanson, E. (2011). Developing Statistical Literacy Using Real World Data: Investigating Socioeconomic Secondary Data Resources used in Research and Teaching International Journal of Research & Method in Education, Taylor & Francis.
What about openness? Is open a step too far for some? Where to share? How to develop a community It’s about open practice not just open educational resources
Sharing on the commons
4. Adapting to an open data world Open data under open licenses Open data under open technologies
Data Ingest
Linked Data
CAIRD3/InFuse Project Funded by the ESRC and the ONS, we’re aiming to make the Census easier to use by working with multidimensional data sets.
"It's vital to help users of the Census to express their needs in simple terms and so swiftly find what they want, without specialist knowledge… the Infuse project has already made great progress towards removing barriers to access. " Keith Dugmore, Demographic Decisions Ltd
Thank you and questions Dr Jackie Carter Mimas, University of Manchester, UK E: T:JackieCarter