State of the Schools Facts, Issues, Future Sunrise Rotary Elmcrest Country Club September 15, :00 a.m.
Quick Facts 121 square miles 2,700 employees 17,500 students 33 attendance sites $170 million budget 56 formal school/business partnerships Iowas second largest school district
Did you know?? IASBO and GFOA Certificates of Excellence in Financial Reporting (10 consecutive years) Only school district in Iowa initiating E-procurement processes Moving to geo-mapping of transportation One of two school districts in the nation involved in the Switch Health/Nutrition Study
Did you know?? Washington and Kennedy in the top 100 high schools in the nation for AP exams CR high school students score significantly above Iowa and nation averages on the ACT Richard Threlkeld (25 year bureau chief for CBS news) and Patricia Robinson (nationally known poet) attended Kenwood School
Did you know?? Ashton Kutcher is a Franklin School alum. Money Magazine - Cedar Rapids is among the 100 best places to live (education, crime rank) – Grant Wood was a teacher at McKinley Junior High and old Washington High School
ITBS/ITED SINA Schools Watch List Schools Sanctions Opportunities for all students
The Other NCLB No calorie left behind
Global Factors Competition Resources Economy Civility
How do we make meaningful progress in a large system with areas in need of improvement?
A helpful framework… Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence
The 7 Baldrige Categories Leadership Strategic Planning Student/Stakeholder Focus Information and Analysis Human Resource Focus Process Management Performance Results
Its About Alignment! Can we get everyone rowing in the same direction?
Random Acts of Improvement Aim of the Organization Goals and Measures Aim of the Organization Aligned Acts of Improvement Goals and Measures
Question #1 To provide the highest quality education to all CRCSD students, what challenges will the district have to address as it plans for the future?
Do you enjoy reading to learn?
Monitoring Progress… – What do our stakeholders think about the direction we are heading?
Administrators Feedback I support the Districts continuous improvement efforts… – YES (99%) – NEED CLARIFICATION (1%) – NO (0%) The pace of our continuous improvement effort is… – Just Right (94%) – Too Fast (5%) – Too Slow (1%)
Staff Feedback District Focus: Strongly Agree DisagreeStrongly Disagree Regarding District direction… I believe the District is heading in the right direction. 41%57%2%0% Regarding District direction… I believe the District has identified the right vision, mission, goals, core values and guiding behavior which I support. 43%55%2%0% 98% 98%
The only thing more exciting than our past is our future! Visit us online
State of the Schools Facts, Issues, Future Sunrise Rotary Elmcrest Country Club September 15, :00 a.m.