1 Department of Correctional Services Department of Corrections Services Strategic Plan for 2005/ /10 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES March 2005
2 Legislative Basis for Strategic Planning and requirements Framework for Development of Strategic Plan Strategic Overview and Priorities of Department of Correctional Services (DCS) Strategic Plan and Objectives for 2005/06 to 2009/ 10 Scope
3 Legislative Basis for Planning According to Part 3: Planning and Budgeting, Chapter 5 of the Treasury Regulations (TR), requires that the accounting officer of an institution must prepare the Strategic Plan for the forthcoming MTEF period for approval by the relevant executive authority Part 3,Chapter 5 of TR, 2001 requires that Strategic Plans should cover a period of 3 (5) years and be consistent with the medium-term baseline allocations of the institution
4 Strategic Plan Development Framework Dates Process and Documents End of November First draft of the Strategic Plan and Estimates of National Expenditure (ENE). The ENE must be consistent with the contents of the Strategic Plan to ensure alignment January - March Presentation of Strategic Priorities to Cabinet Lekgotla. Formalisation and development of Operational Plans 7 days before According to Treasury Regulations approved Strategic Plan must be tabled in Parliament at least 7 days prior to the discussion of the department’s budget vote
5 Framework for Development of Strategic Plan According TR, Strategic Plan must: Cover a period of 3 (five) years planning Include objectives and outcomes / outputs as identified by executive authority Include multi-year projections of revenue and expenditure Include key performance measures and indicators Be updated annually on a rolling basis Forms the basis for the annual reports of accounting authorities in terms of section 55 of the Act The executive authority may present additional information to be included into the strategic plan
6 Strategic Overview and Priorities of Department of Correctional Services (DCS) Strategic Focus Strategic Priorities and Overview of DCS White Paper on Corrections DCS aims to develop best practice in implementing the White Paper by piloting implementation through Centers of Excellence in each region during 2005/06 Seven-Day Establishment DCS is in the process of phasing out the costly overtime system for essential weekend services and replacing it with a seven day working week. Current plans aim at April Correctional Supervision and Parole Boards Implementation of Community Supervision and Parole Boards (CSPB) to be constituted by community members, officials from DCS and co-opted officials from SAPS and Department of Justice. Overcrowding Erection of new Correctional Centers and Additional bed spaces will decrease the current overcrowding from 72.1% to 58% in the year 2007/08
7 Strategic Overview of Department of Correctional Services (DCS) Strategic Focus Strategic Overview of DCS HIV and AIDS Approval for undertaking HIV prevalence and knowledge, attitude and behavior (KAB) survey will give DCS opportunity to determine HIV prevalence amongst offenders and personnel. This will inform future plans Nutritional Services DCS aims to provide three nutritionally balanced and adequate meals to offenders and awaiting trial detainees within the constrains of the existing infrastructure and personnel Programmes DCS is currently auditing and accrediting existing and new programmes consistent with strategic direction. Programmes must be in line with the requirements of the White Paper and consistent with legislation.
8 The 5 Years Plan for DCS
9 Administration Objectives Provide effective fin. Management, accounting and supply chain management Improve compliance with legislation Correct system deficiencies Train personnel Review fleet management policies Align and improve procurement and contract management Conduct BEE survey Review existing contract (PPP and IT)
10 Administration Objectives Provide legal support and eradicate corruption Conduct bi-annual trend analysis on corruption Render effective investigation and prosecution Finalise integrity and vetting policy and cover 3% of personnel in high risk areas Amend CSA Improve management of litigations against the dept and reduce the costs related thereto.
11 Administration Objectives Improve HR capacity and management Review Integrated Human Resource Plan Phasing in of 7 Day Working Week and employ 8975 (include 5% turnover rate) new entrants Improve management of leaves and reduce vacancy levels Improve employee relations and provide employee wellbeing programmes (EAP, HIV/Aids and OHSA) Provide HRD in support of NEPAD Enroll 8975 new entrants into accredited Corrections Learnership in 3 years
12 Administration Objectives Ensure effective information management and ICT services Improve management of decision support systems (intranet, electronic file management and resource Centres) Improve compliance with information management legislation (MISS and NAA) Ensure access to research report to improve programme development and decisions Support current IT systems, establish IT Plan and implement COBIT
13 Administration Objectives Improve DCS involvement in intergovernmental relations Strategic Participation in international for a Identify countries and participate in BNC Conclude bilateral agreements Promote Correction in SADC Drive accession to international treaties through a focused and affordable plan Improve involvement in integrated governance
14 Administration Objectives Provide Communication services to meet internal and external needs Synchronise DCS plan with clusters Improve public perception of DCS Improve internal communication Promote DCS corporate image through marketing and continuous assessments
15 Security Objectives Provide public protection through prevention of escapes Ensure compliance with existing policies through rigorous inspection Reduce escapes of DAOP of 1000 by % in high security and other Centres Provide security for members, ATD and Service Providers Finalise a comprehensive security plan and pilot it in identified Centres (Prevent assaults, escapes and unnatural deaths) Improve safety of officials in community corrections centres
16 Corrections Objectives Improve effective management of all Correctional Centres Implement Unit Management Improve administration Implement Structured Day Manage and contain overcrowding Implement risk assessment and offender profiling
18 Care Objectives Improve care services to all in custody Improve compliance with policies through inspection Phase in provision of primary health care programmes Provide HIV/Aids Prevention, support and care services Provide needs based care programmes (social work, psychology, religious services, etc Ongoing impact assessment of care services Provide accreditation of care programmes
19 Development Objectives Improve services aimed at personal development Improve compliance with policies through inspection Enhance participation in education, sports, recreation, arts and culture Promote Skills development and participation in training programmes Promote work opportunities and utilisation of acquired skills Accreditation of programmes aimed at personal development
20 After Care Objectives Provide programmes aimed at pre-release, effective supervision and reintegration into communities Provide material and financial assistance to needy offenders Develop classification system for parolees and probationers Implement CSPB systems Ensure effective community participation in acceptance of offender on reintegration
21 Facilities Objectives Provide facilities geared towards safety, humane treatment, provision of programmes and administration Upgrading of facilities – 11 in 2005 Revisit minimum facilities requirements Phase out RAMP programme for own capacity Build new Correctional facilities – 4 from 2005/06 and additional 4 in 2006/07 Provide new Head Office accommodation in 2006/07 Align policies with the White Paper
22 Correctional Services values your role in breaking cycle of crime: in making rehabilitation work. Thank you Together we can strengthen social compact against crime, for better life.