F IRST S TEPS : Number the bottom corner of EVERY page. Even #s are on the left, odd #s are on the right! Label “Table of Contents” on the top of pages 1-4.
Glue or tape the “Unit 1 Table of Contents” to page 1. Pg. 1
Pg. 5 Glue or tape in your “Mathematical Practices” sheet to page 5.
Pg. 6 Glue or tape in your orange Course Guide to page 6.
P AGE 7: Write “Unit 1: Number System Fluency” on pg 7. Put a tab and label it “Unit 1”. You may decorate this page!
P AGE 9 Fold the top right corner down and line it up with the center of the book. Crease. Tape page 9 and 11 together at the bottom and right hand sides to make a pocket. This is where you will keep your vocab!
P G Glue or tape your checklist onto page 13. Write “Number System Fluency” in a circle in the middle of page 12. Then, draw a larger circle as shown. You will create a concept map for the unit on this page.
P G. 15 Fold the Prime vs. Composite sheet in half and paste on the top of pg. 15. Do the same to the Factors vs. Multiples sheet and paste it underneath. Label the fronts of the sheets as pictured.
P G. 17 Glue or paste the Greatest Common Factor sheet onto page 17
P G. 19 Glue or paste the “ Least Common Multiple” sheet onto page 19
P G. 21 Fold the “ Problem Solving with GCF & LCM” sheet in half and paste on page 21. Label the front of the sheet “Problem Solving with GCF & LCM”.
P G. 23 Glue or tape the “Division By ‘Chunking’’ sheet to page 23.
P G. 25 Glue or tape the “Long Division” sheet onto page 25.
P G.27 Fold your “Decimals, Decimals and MORE Decimals” sheet in half and paste onto pg. 27. Label the front of the folded sheet “+, -, x, and Decimals”
P G. 29 Fold your Decimals Foldable along the solid line and fold over the flaps. Paste this on page 29. (See the picture)
P G. 31 Glue or tape the “Fractions Cheat Sheet” on pg 31. Label “Fractions Cheat Sheet” at the top.
P G. 33 Glue or paste the “Equivalent Fractions” sheet on page 33
P G. 35 Glue or paste the “ Let’s Simplify!” sheet on page 35.
P G. 37 Glue or tape the “ Multiplying Fractions” sheet on page 37.
P G Glue or paste the “ Modeling Fraction Division” sheets onto pages
P G. 41 Glue or paste the “ Dividing Fractions: Think KCF!” sheet on page 41.
P G. 43 Fold your Post Test Study Guide in half, and glue or tape to page 43. Label the outside “Unit 1: Post-Test Review”.
W OOHOO ! Y OU ’ RE FINISHED WITH UNIT 1! These are all of the things you must know by the time we finish unit 1, so remember to mark off each concept on your checklist on page 15 as we go along! You may already be able to check some prerequisite skills off…
D ON ’ T FORGET TO DECORATE YOUR MSG! If you take care of your Math Survival Guide, it will take care of you!