Contact Monitoring Regional Network (CMKN)
Why procurement It is estimated that an effective public procurement system could save as much as 25% of government expenditure. Information on government contracts is unavailable for public scrutiny. Adding to this problem, the resources spent through these contracts are often poorly managed or misappropriated. Hence the need for open contracting.
What is open contracting about Recognition of the right to access information Recognition of the right of the public to participate in the oversight of: Planning Award Execution Performance and Completion of public contracts.
Fostering an enabling environment which may include; legislation, that recognizes, promotes, protects, and creates opportunities for public consultation and monitoring of public contracting, from the planning stage to the completion of contractual obligations. Build the capacities of all relevant stakeholders to understand Monitor and improve public contracting
Create sustainable funding mechanisms to support participatory public contracting. Access and utilization disclosed information, acknowledge and act upon citizen feedback Ensuring contracting parties should craft strategies for citizen consultation and engagement in the management of the contract.
The Contract Monitoring Regional Network CMRN is a multi-stakeholder coalition that brings together different partners from the civil society, government, academia and private sector. The main objective of the network is to work together towards the transparent and effective management of public resources and service delivery for Kenyans. The network has identified three key focus sectors; health, roads and education.
Members Countries Kenya Uganda Tanzania Rwanda Zambia The coalition composes a number of organisations including: Public institutions Private sector and Civil society Sectors Roads Construction education and health
What we do Engaging key stake holders and policy makers on procurement and contract management issues Mobilizing citizen representatives to monitor public procurement in target institutions. Promoting access to information on public contracts. Capacity building on procurement, supply chain management and anti corruption
Achievements A Baseline study on the status of procurement in Kenya Development of social accountability tools.
Tools Health Sector Citizen satisfaction survey- measuring satisfaction with services and level empowerment Health satisfaction survey for health workers measuring the level of satisfaction with work environment, availability of essential drugs and quality and supply of drugs.
Mobile drug tracking system that allows citizens to query availability of drugs and services Stock monitoring tool Education sector Procurement assessment tool Procurement monitoring tool Integrity pacts
Initiatives of CMRN aim to; Increased and more strategic use of contracting data marking the market more competitive – data publication standard. Ownership of public projects by the citizen through increased opportunities and mechanisms for participation throughout all phases of contracting. Increased accountability on the part of suppliers due the citizens participation in contracting processes.
Feed back on contract performance whether negative or positive. Timely and effective follow-up actions based on citizen monitoring feedback. More and better equipped champions promoting open contracting through the citizen engagement processes in open contracting. Technical through stake holder involvement.
Exchange of knowledge and experiences from different stakeholders ensures adaptation and replication of best practice within institutions. Increased cohesion between state actors, civil society monitors and private sector who become part of one team though with distinct roles and functions.
Challenges Legislative gaps- freedom and access to information held by the state. The same is yet to be actualized through an access to information act. Bureaucracy and unyielding public officers. Institutional capacity gaps including staffing of key institutions like PPOA who hold the primary mandate to oversee procurement.
Limited capacity of citizens and civil society to monitor public contracts due to the technical nature of procurement processes and contracts. Limited capacity of procuring agencies that restricts compliance and procurement. Reactive measures
Strengths; why the multi-stake holder approach It brings stakeholders together to participate in the dialogue, decision making, and implementation of solutions to common problems or goals Ownership due to full involvement of all stakeholders Open, transparent and accountable operations Diversity in knowledge and experience Credibility
Areas of possible collaboration Research Technical support/assistance Access to information; Informing civil society organizations about the official opportunities available for engagement Dialogue frame works/forums Citizen engagement
Alternative media and communication platforms Open data initiatives Alternative media and communication platforms Public sitting Involvement of parliamentarians in reform efforts
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