What do all these letters mean? Jefferson Elementary Wichita Falls ISD February 7, 2013
How did I do on my homework? You missed all of them.
Is that bad? Well, I had to give you a zero.
Oh, well… Better than nothing!
Ward Roberts Job: Secondary Math Curriculum Specialist (WFISD) Experience: Numerous state- wide curriculum committees (including CSCOPE) Also: Former student, Jefferson Elementary Hi.
What do all these letters mean? Jefferson Elementary Wichita Falls ISD February 7, 2013
What is the state curriculum? Where does it come from? What is expected of students? How is the curriculum assessed? How does WFISD handle all of this? What is my child doing in the classroom?
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
Texas Education Agency Where can I find the TEKS?
See Handout!
3 rd Use place value to compare and order whole numbers through 9, th Use place value to read, write, compare, and order decimals involving tenths and hundredths… 5 th Use place value to read, write, compare, and order decimals through the thousandths place.
Teachers Curriculum Experts Community Leaders TEA Committees: TEKS Final Approval: SBOE
State Board Of Education
Marty Rowley (Amarillo)
TEKS revised periodically (every 8-10 years) Most recent: Mathematics
School YearGrades K-8High School Adopt new materials Implement new TEKS Adopt new materials Implement new TEKS
How do we know if students are mastering the curriculum? How are schools held accountable for teaching the TEKS? State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness
Old Tests (TAKS) New Structure (STAAR) Sample Items (a few…) What do we know about STAAR?
STAAR assesses the TEKS. The Test is over the Curriculum. Every item is coded to a specific student expectation. Teaching to the Test? More like: Testing what we teach.
TEKS Categories Items Format
Information available!
Also: Released Test Questions
According to TEA…
TAKSSTAAR Compare: How do the items differ? TO
TAKSSTAAR Extra steps More information Additional reasoning TO
In WFISD: How do teachers handle all of this? What is my child doing in the classroom to prepare?
What? Curriculum resource for English, Math, Science, and Social Studies Who? Developed by collaboration between Education Service Centers Used in 86% of Texas school districts How? Based entirely on the TEKS
TEKS Clarification Document TEKS K&S SE Verbs Nouns Examples Notes “Specificity”
Vertical Alignment Document TEKS Same stuff Compares multiple grade levels
Year at a Glance (Calendar) Units Time Frame TEKS bundled in each unit
Unit: Instructional Focus Document Everything…
What a teacher sees…
VAD YAG IFD Sample Lessons Unit Test
Suggested Time Frame TEKS Suggested Procedures Notes for Teacher Handouts
I’m thinking of a shape…
STAAR Format But not ALL multiple- choice Everything aligned to TEKS
“Possible” “Suggested” “Optional”
CSCOPE does not place mandates on teachers. CSCOPE is NOT a Lock-Step Curriculum (WFISD might…)
Curriculum Councils Sequence Pick an order Review Look at lessons Create Develop district documents Communicate Let everyone know
What is the state curriculum? Where does it come from? What is expected of students? How is the curriculum assessed? How does WFISD handle all of this? What is my child doing in the classroom?
Ward Roberts , ext Bye. Thanks!