Models for Language Engineering Bruno F. Barroca
Outline: ① Type Models -Conformance -Relations between models ② (Model) Representation -Self-description -Efficiency -Usability ③ Model of a Meta-Modeling Environment 2
3 Type Models: Types of Type models Linguistic Grammars Parsers (Strings -> Trees) Visitor Pattern (Trees -> Graphs) Attribute Grammars (Multi-stage programming) Metamodels (Modelverse, ECore, KM3, etc.) Syntax-directed modeling environments Instantiation (Factory Pattern) Ontological (General) Domain Models (Automotive, Bio-informatics, Pharmaceuticals) Constraint solving Model Checkers Theorem provers Description Logics / Reasoners Orthogonal analysis
Conformance 7
Relations between Models Models and Models Model Transformations Match Models Apply Models Conformance with Type Models Model elements From different models Models and Model Elements Relations are also typed Megamodeling Multi-level modeling 9
10 Self-describable representations Online (live) modifications and updates Granularity Boundary (scope) of self-modification Built-in functionality Heterogeneity problems Rewrite itself onto a new platform (situation) Based on some specification Typically a Platform model, or Deployment model
11 Efficient representation Match operation on Graphs is a NP-Complete Problem Match operation on Trees (Visitor pattern) TrNET (Join operations, Construction of complex match patterns based on simple ones) Analysis Overlapped pattern matching Automated redundancy check Clone detection Optimization (cost models) Easier to match on paths? with proper representation Almost constant complexity How to represent Graphs as paths? Time complexity Spatial complexity Redundancy
12 Usable representation General modeling languages? (e.g., UML) Structure Class Diagrams Component Diagrams Behavior State charts Finite state machines Sequence Diagrams SCCD with ActionCode Time concept DEVS with Neutral Action Code DEVSPro DEVSLang Action Code Programming Language agnostic Platform independent (API/Library)
16 Modeling of (Meta) Modeling Environments? Variability analysis Features Language Engineering Domain analysis Types and Patterns Synchronization of Abstract Syntax with Concrete Syntax Merge/composition/weaving of arbitrary AS with CS Notion of model and language fragments Network language as a glue for the fragments CS Metamodel? Diagram/canvas graphical objects/Toolbars/Property Views Structure Behavior Wizards and Tutorials Notion of Layers Restricted views based on User profiles
Thank you! 17