Richard Wagner May 22, 1813-Febraury 13, 1883 Famous for his operas Ring Cycle – 18 Hour Opera Ahead of its time – combine literature, music and visual settings; an extravagant production Inspired film scoring some of which include Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings Ride of the Valkyrie Controversial composer – anti- semitic writings
Frederic Chopin March 1, 1810-October 17, 1849 Child Prodigy - Published first composition at age 7, began performing at 8 By 22, he moved to Paris and was known as an exceptional piano teacher Many famous pieces, most well know – Marche Funebre (“Funeral March”)
Antonin Dvorak September 8, 1841-May 1, 1904 Parents encouraged his musical career Started on violin and switched to organ Prolific composers Professor of composition in Prague Most well known piece: Symphony No. 9 (“From the New World”)
Hector Berlioz December 11, 1803-March 8, 1869 Originally studied medicine As a child, taught himself flute, guitar, and how to write music Most well known piece: Symphonie Fantastique Programatic Music Saw an actress on stage, wrote the piece about her & married her a year later the story of “an artist gifted with a lively imagination" who has "poisoned himself with opium" in the "depths of despair" because of "hopeless love." - paraphrased from Berlioz’s original notes Five movements Daydreams – Passions A ball Scene in the Country March to the Scaffold Dream of a Witches' Sabbath
Pytor Tchiachovsky May 7, 1840-November 6, 1893 Began taking piano lessons at age 5First work publicly performed at age 15 Wrote his first symphony at age 18 Studied at St. Petersbug Conservatory as one of the first composition students Forced to hide his homosexuality, married a young music student, marriage failed and attempted to commit suicide. Most famous piece: The Nutcracker Ballet
Johannes Brahms May 7, 1833 – April 3, 1897 Master of symphony and sonata style Did not like Lizst and Wagner – thought they were egotistical Friends with Schumann; people thought he was trying to steal his wife Most well know piece: Lullaby