S AN D IEGO S UPERCOMPUTER C ENTER San Diego State University / Ed Center on Computational Science & Engineering K Stewart – 31Jan06 Curriculum Development.


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Presentation transcript:

S AN D IEGO S UPERCOMPUTER C ENTER San Diego State University / Ed Center on Computational Science & Engineering K Stewart – 31Jan06 Curriculum Development for CyberInfrastructure (CI) MSI C(I)^2 Dr. Kris Stewart San Diego State University/California State University System

S AN D IEGO S UPERCOMPUTER C ENTER San Diego State University / Ed Center on Computational Science & Engineering K Stewart – 31Jan06 SDSU is an MSI 2 Curriculum development – CS575 Supercomputing for the Sciences Based on SDSC Summer Institute workshop and computing resources from SDSC Current curriculum – 3d Game Programming for Simulation (Torque) NSF EPIC research project and collaboration with SDSC Visualization (S Cutchin)

S AN D IEGO S UPERCOMPUTER C ENTER San Diego State University / Ed Center on Computational Science & Engineering K Stewart – 31Jan06 CalREN Resources:

S AN D IEGO S UPERCOMPUTER C ENTER San Diego State University / Ed Center on Computational Science & Engineering K Stewart – 31Jan06 Building the Community of Faculty The challenges are people-centric, not technology-centric and of interest to the HPC community Systemic Change requires understanding the system and working within it Empower teachers (find the time), recognition (from chair/dean), support (student assistants)

S AN D IEGO S UPERCOMPUTER C ENTER San Diego State University / Ed Center on Computational Science & Engineering K Stewart – 31Jan06 Assessment not just requirement Rather, found to be vital tool to assist in clarifying student and faculty needs improve prioritization skills validation of focus on human factors to integrate HPC (modeling & visualization) into undergrad curriculum U. Wisconsin LEAD for 1998/99 Ed Center evaluation

S AN D IEGO S UPERCOMPUTER C ENTER San Diego State University / Ed Center on Computational Science & Engineering K Stewart – 31Jan06 Lessons Learned Network brings resources to YOUR desktop (or lab or class) Computer network is community resource with individual opportunities & responsibilities Efforts within your local environment to raise awareness, but must credit the external source National partnerships, EPIC, EOT-PACI and this workshop now (and June). Voices that local colleagues listen to (more than you)

S AN D IEGO S UPERCOMPUTER C ENTER San Diego State University / Ed Center on Computational Science & Engineering K Stewart – 31Jan06 More Information? Kris Stewart Professor, Computer Science, SDSU Director, ECCSE, NPACI/CSU Thank you Alex Ramirez

S AN D IEGO S UPERCOMPUTER C ENTER San Diego State University / Ed Center on Computational Science & Engineering K Stewart – 31Jan06 BioQuest Curriculum Consortium Curriculum Development Workshop (Stanley ) Boston University On-line Training Courses (Teig von Hoffman ) Online Metrics Tools (Holmes) EPIC Website (Boyce) Visualization in Education (Giles) Teacher Professional Development (Giles) Computational Cell Biology (Holmes) Minority Serving Institution Consortium Training and Workshops (Giles) Coalition to Diversity Computing Distributed Rap Sessions (Hurley) Computer Research Association's Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research Female Computer Science Students (Clark) Eisenhower National Clearinghouse Eisenhower National Clearinghouse Resources for K-12 (Simutis) Florida International University Minority Serving Institution Consortium Resource Database (Gonzalez) Minority Serving Institution Consortium AG Training (Gonzalez)

S AN D IEGO S UPERCOMPUTER C ENTER San Diego State University / Ed Center on Computational Science & Engineering K Stewart – 31Jan06 – part 2 Maryland Virtual High School Train the Trainer (Ragan) Drexel Catalog and Evaluate NSDL Math Resources (Lanius) National Center for Supercomputing Applications Scientific Data in the Classroom (Exner) I-KNOW Knowledge Network (Chapman) EPIC Website (Chapman) Visualization in Education (Wiziecki) Ohio Supercomputer Center On-line Training Courses (Southern) Materials for Teaching Modeling and Simulation (Gordon) Oregon State University Computational Physics Books (Landau) Evaluation of Curriculum (Landau) Science Enrichment Program (Steckler) Rice University Middle School Girls (Tapia) Distributed Rap Sessions (Tapia) Sending Students/Mentors to Technical Conferences (Tapia) Richard Tapia Conference (Tapia) TeacherTECH (Tapia)

S AN D IEGO S UPERCOMPUTER C ENTER San Diego State University / Ed Center on Computational Science & Engineering K Stewart – 31Jan06 – part 3 San Diego State University Visualization in Education (Stewart) San Diego Supercomputer Center Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Technology and Cyberinfrastructure (HASTAC) Summer Institute (Donald Frederick) TeacherTECH Program (Ange Mason) Education Data Portal (Jeff Sale) Web Interface for Digital Library (Kamrath) TeacherTECH (Kamrath) Shodor Education Foundation, Inc. NSDL Compuational Science Education Reference Desk Computational Science Resources (Panoff) Computational Science and Engineering Workshop (Panoff) SUNY Brockport Evaluation of Curriculum (Yasar) Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at The University of Texas at Austin On-line Course Development (Boisseau) University of Kentucky On-line Training Courses (Connolly) University of Wisconsin - Madison Evaluation of Curriculum (Moses) Concept Map of Curriculum (Moses)