How do we convert this into a resource?
Is this really the best the we can do with R200million?
Biogas to Electricity
Biogas powered vehicles, Sweden
5.3 Million Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs) In 2005 there were over 140,000 buses, 100,000 trucks, 5,100,000 cars
Scrubber Waste water OFMSW High Rate Algae Oxidation Ponds Biogas Anaerobic Digestion Biomethane Process Water Organic fertilizer Sweet sorghum & biofuel crops Horticulture and nursery Bioprocess Plant for the extraction of oils, biodiesel, nutracueticals, metabolites & ß-carotene Public Transport Digested sludge Compost Tree Nursery & potting soil Heat Garden refuse Industry Solution:
10Ml/day wastewater diverted from hoodpoint marine outfall pipe requirements 4km of 160mm pipe & 150kW pumpset 2Ml/day waste activated sludge diverted from pipeline to hoodpoint marine outfall pipe, 800m of 160mm pipe no additional pumping 8Ml/day existing flows 2 nd creek WW pump station, eliminate requirment for 220kW pump set
Garden Refuse tons per year or biomass resource going to waste
Garden refuse East London Generates tons per year (82.2 tons per day) of garden refuse at four Garden Refuse Transfer Stations (GRTS) which get transported to Roundhill Landfill. Divert 15% (4500 tons/a) of grass & fresh leafy fraction to biogas digester Divert 40% (12144 tons/a) of the mixed woody and leafy waste to co composting with digester sludge. Divert 45% (13356 tons/a) of the woody biomass to a 1.35MWe & 2.1 MWth gasifier CHP
Closing the Rural and Urban Loop in a Zero Waste Economy Job creation, food security, energy & fuel security, environmental protection, and nutrient beneficiation