“What You Sow is What You Get!” Galatians 6:6-10
Right now our culture is in love with the idea of being victims and loves the “blame game”…
We can trust God’s “harvest law” – you get what you sow… Because of GRACE, we’re free in Christ to sow deeds of the Spirit rather than deeds of the flesh.
Purpose: to learn the relation between grace and good works
ISow to Release the Word of God (6:6) A.Sowing Seeds of Generous Support
1 Corinthians 9:11 “…if we sowed spiritual things in you, is it too much if we should reap material things from you?”
Must say, there is no personal agenda preaching this text… Want the church family and visitors to know we have no complaints along these lines this this church…
ISow to Release the Word of God (6:6) A.Sowing Seeds of Generous Support B.Sowing Seeds of Generous Response
Christians are by nature generous givers – time, talent, money etc…
IISow to Please the Spirit of God (6:7-8) A.What (Whom) Do You Seek to Please?
Do you use money to satisfy the desires of the flesh or do you let the Holy Spirit influence your wants, wishes and overall contentment?
IISow to Please the Spirit of God (6:7-8) A.What (Whom) Do You Seek to Please? B.Quality of Life is Determined by Whom We Seek to Please
Mt. Pinatubo (Philippines) erupted in June of Scores of lives were lost and the U.S. had to abandon its military base near. A billion dollars in damages resulted from this volcanic eruption. Why?...
It starts in our hearts and minds – like a football game where you win at the line of scrimmage… in our lives we win the battle for our minds/hearts…
“If you sow a thought you reap an attitude. You sow an attitude you reap a habit. You sow a habit and you reap a character. You sow a character and you reap a destiny.”
IIISow to Ease Others’ Genuine Needs (6:9-10) A.Grace Always Produces “Do- gooders”
Titus 3:14 “And let our people also learn to engage in good deeds to meet pressing needs, that they may not be unfruitful.”
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 “Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, Who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and goo hope by grace, comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word.”
IIISow to Ease Others’ Genuine Needs (6:9-10) A.Grace Always Produces “Do- gooders” B.Grace Always Seeks Opportunities
Christian does not ask, “Who is my neighbor?”… Instead, the Christian does ask, “Lord, to whom can I be a neighbor?”
IIISow to Ease Others’ Genuine Needs (6:9-10) A.Grace Always Produces “Do- gooders” B.Grace Always Seeks Opportunities C.Grace Always Perseveres
The “fatigue factor” in sowing Gospel seed is real… Why Paul says in 6:9 “And let us not lose heart in doing good…”
George W. Truett (author and preacher) Tells of the time he was eating in the house of a wealthy Texan. The man said to Truett, “Let me show you what I have here.” Took Truett to a window and saw a field of oil wells…
The question each of us must answer…
Summary and Conclusion: A.Because of Grace I Am Subject to None (in the flesh) and Servant to All… B.Because of Grace I Reap What Jesus Sowed