There are more than 6 million students with disabilities in the US public schools In 2010, we had 108 students identified at Northwest Lawsuits involving students with disabilities are on the rise A better understanding of the law allows us to avoid unnecessary lawsuits AND better provide for our students
Teachers will answer crucial questions about IDEA law, IEP meetings and disciplining exceptional students Teachers will apply the laws to real-life classroom scenarios Teachers will be able to better confront special education issues arising in the classroom
Annabel Bello Southeast Self Contained Teacher NELA Fellow Sean Murphy Inclusion and Resource Teacher
WhoWhatHow Long AnnabelObjectives5 minutes Sean and YOUThink, Pair, Share 15 minutes The mighty faculty of NW Short Presentations 15 minutes Annabel & SeanReal World Practice 10 minutes Sean and Annabel Q & A5 minutes The mighty faculty of NW 3, 2, 15 minutes
Think Read the excerpt Pair Discuss the topic as a group. Come up with responses to questions Share Explain your topic to the group, include possible answers to questions.
Group One IDEA LAW Group Two Services GROUP THREE Discipline
Information packets are provided by table. Please read the excerpts and answer the questions on the computers provided HoursMinutesSeconds Time to Discuss DisciplineServicesIDEA Law Investigate the law Compile answers to critical questions Better practices with our kids
Group One IDEA LAW Group Two Services GROUP THREE Discipline
Slides will be presented on this powerpoint HoursMinutesSeconds Time to Share DisciplineServicesIDEA Law Group explanations Better understanding of the law Better practices with our kids
TopicCritical QuestionsAnswers IDEAWhat is IDEA? FAPEWhat is FAPE? IEP Meetings What do IEP teams do? IEP Meetings Who is on an IEP team and what are their unique roles? LREWhat is “LRE” and what factors should be taken into account when determining LRE for each child?
TopicCritical QuestionsAnswers Accommo dations What are accommodations? TransitionWhat are transition services and how do they impact High School, specifically? Due Process What are 6 safeguards to ensure parental Due Process? LitigationHow do cases “go to court”?
TopicCritical QuestionsAnswers SuspensionsWhat happens if an EC student is suspended for 10+ cumulative days? Determinati on What is a manifestation determination? AssessmentWhat is an FBA? PlanWhat is a BIP? SettingWhat is an IAES? How can students be put there?
Situations are at the table HoursMinutesSeconds Time to Discuss 3 Real World Situations Read over situation Discuss questions Apply lessons learned to the real world classroom REAL WORLD APPLICATION
Situation 1 THE SITUATION Parents of a student with autism requested that the school district provide applied behavior analysis (ABA) method for their child. This would ensure a match between behavioral intervention and specific behavioral issue. It is comprehensive and would be carried in every setting. The parents say their child would benefit from the method, citing several studies. The school district denied this request, arguing that it was too costly.
Situation 1 Questions Would the school district be denying this student FAPE if it did not implement the ABA method? What if the parents pulled their child out of this school and went to a private school that used the ABA method? Would the parents be reimbursed? How would the parents appeal the school districts decision?