News Anchor Drew Woodrow
Nature of Work 1.Research topics and stories that an editor or news director has assigned to them 2.Interview people who have information, analysis, or opinions relating to a story or article 3.Write articles for newspapers, blogs, and magazines and write scripts to be read on television or radio 4.Review articles to ensure their accuracy and their use of proper style and grammar 5.Develop relationships with experts and contacts who provide tips and leads on stories
Education and Training Most employers prefer workers who have a bachelor’s degree in journalism or communications. However, some employers hire applicants who have a degree in a related subject, such as English or political science, if they have relevant work experience. Bachelor’s degree programs in journalism and communications include classes in journalistic ethics and how to research stories and conduct interviews. Many programs require students to take liberal arts classes, such as English, history, economics, and political science, so that they are prepared to cover stories on a wide range of subjects. Some schools offer graduate programs in journalism and communications. These programs prepare students who have a bachelor’s degree in another field to become journalists. Employers generally require workers to have experience from internships or from working on school newspapers. While attending college, many students seek multiple internships with different news organizations. With experience, reporters and correspondents can advance from news organizations in small cities or towns to news organizations in large cities. Alternatively, they may become editors or news directors.
Qualifications Communication Skills Objectivity People Skills Persistence Stamina
Job Outlook Employment of reporters and correspondents is expected to moderately decline by 8 percent from 2010 to Declines are expected because of the consolidation of news organizations, decreases in the readership of newspapers, and declines in viewership for many news television shows. Employment of broadcast news analysts is expected to grow by 10 percent from 2010 to 2020, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Growth is expected as news agencies prefer news analysts over traditional reporters to provide insight and commentary about the news. In recent years, news organizations have begun to merge and consolidate, meaning that larger organizations acquire smaller organizations. Often, after a merger, the news agency reduces the number of reporters and correspondents on staff. As a result, the demand for journalists has decreased. In addition, readership of newspapers and the viewing audience for many news television shows have been declining. As a result, news organizations may have more difficulty selling advertising, which is often their primary source of revenue. To make up for decreased revenue, news organizations may need to downsize and employ fewer journalists. However, an increase in demand for online news and podcasts (audio or video digital media files that can often be downloaded from a website) may offset some of the downsizing.
Potential earning Median Pay - $34,540 The lowest 10 percent earned less than $19,970, and the top 10 percent earned more than $75,230.
Similar Occupations Announcers Photographers Editors
Service Manager Dad
Nature of Work Buy, store, and distribute supplies Supervise clerical and administrative personnel Recommend changes to policies or procedures to improve operations, such as changing what supplies the organization keeps and improving how the organization handles records Plan budgets for contracts, equipment, and supplies Monitor the facility to ensure that it remains safe, secure, and well maintained
Education and Training A high school diploma or a General Educational Development (GED) diploma is typically required for someone to become an administrative services manager. However, some administrative services managers need at least a bachelor’s degree. Those with a bachelor’s degree typically study business, engineering, or facility management. The International Facility Management Association offers a competency-based professional certification program for administrative services managers. Completing this program may give prospective job candidates an advantage. The program has two levels: the Facilities Management Professional (FMP) certification and the Certified Facility Manager (CFM) certification. People entering the profession can get the FMP as a steppingstone to the CFM. For the CFM, applicants must meet certain educational and experience requirements.International Facility Management Association Administrative services managers must have related work experience reflecting managerial and leadership abilities. For example, contract administrators need experience in purchasing and sales, as well as knowledge of the variety of supplies, machinery, and equipment that the organization uses. Managers who are concerned with supply, inventory, and distribution should be experienced in receiving, warehousing, packaging, shipping, transportation, and related operations. Advancement of facility managers is based on the practices and size of individual organizations. Some facility managers transfer among departments within an organization or work their way up from technical positions. Others advance through a progression of facility management positions that offer additional responsibilities. Advancement is easier in large organizations that employ several levels and types of administrative services managers. A master's degree in business administration or a related field can enhance a manager’s opportunities to advance to higher level positions, such as director of administrative services. Some experienced managers may join or establish a management consulting firm to provide administrative management services to other organizations on a contract basis.
Qualifications Analytical skills. Communication skills. Detail oriented. Leadership skills Ability to speak different languanges
Job Outlook Employment of administrative services managers is expected to grow 15 percent from 2010 to 2020, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Tasks such as managing facilities and being prepared for emergencies will remain important in a wide range of industries. Facility managers will be needed to plan for natural disasters, ensuring that any damage to a building will be minimal and that the organization can get back to work quickly. Employment growth is also expected as organizations increasingly realize the importance of operating their facilities efficiently. In addition, facility managers will be in demand because there will be a greater focus on the environmental impact and energy efficiency of the buildings they manage. Improving energy efficiency can reduce costs and is often required by regulation. For example, building codes typically ensure that buildings meet environmental standards. Facility managers will be needed to oversee these improvements, in areas from heating and air systems to roofing. Contract administrators are also expected to be in demand as organizations contract out many services, such as food services, janitorial services, grounds maintenance, and repair.
Potential Earnings Median Pay - $77,890 The lowest 10 percent earned less than $41,420 and the top 10 percent earned more than $135,300.
Similar Occupations Cost Estimators Purchasing Managers Top Executives
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