Review of Geology Laws of Relative Dating Earth’s Interior Earthquakes
Question Types Just like the OGT: Multiple Choice Short Answer Extended Response You must get at least a point on the Extended Response in order to pass the test –Just like the OGT!
A class of high school students went on a field trip to observe some rock formations exposed in a hillside. The rocks were sedimentary and the formation looked like the diagram below. Briefly explain what caused the sedimentary rock layers to be offset? (2 points) Use complete sentences State laws and principles you have learned in class Avoid incorrect information Be thorough Avoid using vague pronouns like “it” or “they.”
Rate the answer 0, 1, 2 The rock layers are illustrating the fact that rocks form sedimentary layers.
Rate this answer 0, 1, or 2 I say it was faulting
Plan a GOOD response Offset Rock layers Pressure from Geological event Moving plates or earthquake Define Faulting Cause: Faulting
Write out your response! The rock layers are not in horizontal rows as they should normally be found because there was probably some type of faulting that occurred due to a geological event such as the movement of plate tectonics or an earthquake. (1 point for introducing that you know how the layers should look and the process by which they have been rearranged.) The process of faulting is when a crack in the layers occurs and the layers are offset due to a geological event such as the movement of plate tectonics or an earthquake.. (1 point for defining the correct process and explaining WHY the process occurs.)
Multiple Choice Questions Come up with what you think the correct answer is BEFORE looking at the choices. If you do not have an answer, try to eliminate one or more choices then make your selection.
Use the diagram 1.Scientists believe that forces in Earth’s mantle move Earth’s crustal plates. What do the arrows in the diagram represent? A.ocean currents B.gravity C.convection currents D. wind patterns
2. The early development of the theory of plate tectonics was supported by which of these observations? A.matching fossils on the continents of Africa and South America B.glacier deposits far from existing continental glaciers C.thick sediment layers at the mouths of rivers D. sudden volcanic activity of long- dormant volcanoes
3. What is the name of the theory that states Earth’s crust is broken up into large pieces that move and interact? A. natural selection B. mountain building C. the rock cycle D. plate tectonics
4. Major mountain ranges are formed when crustal plates A. push into each other B. slide past each other C. move away from each other D. break into smaller plates
5. In which state is an earthquake most likely to occur? A. Florida B. Kansas C. Ohio D. California
6. The Hawaiian Islands are riding on the Pacific Plate as it moves northwestward. They are being formed as the plate moves over a hot spot in the mantle. Where is the next volcano likely to form?
7. Which finding provided earlier evidence for the theory of continental drift? –a. observing that continents fit together like a jigsaw pieces –b. identifying major earthquake zones and volcanic belts –c. measuring the distance across the Atlantic Ocean –d. determining the age of rocks under the Atlantic Ocean
8. What do you predict will happen to the Atlantic Ocean if the seafloor spreading continues along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge? A. It will become wider B. It will become narrower C. It will become deeper D. It will remain the same size
9. Which mechanism is thought to be responsible for the seafloor spreading and plate tectonics? A. mid-ocean ridge volcanoes B. convection currents in the mantle C. earthquakes at the edge of the plates D. Earth’s magnetism and polarity
10. The Hawaiian Islands were produced by volcanic activity associated with a A. mid-oceanic ridge B. subduction zone in the crust C. hot spot in the middle of a crustal plate D. Pacific Ocean trench
12. By studying folds and faults in rocks, scientists can determine the A.absolute age of the rocks B.order of past geologic events C.depth of the ocean when the rocks formed forms that lived when the rocks formed
13. The geologic timetable is divided into three large time units called eras. Which factor was these time divisions based upon? A.volcanic and earthquake activity B.locations where rocks are found C.equal units of geologic time D.major changes in the life forms
14. The geologic eras are made up of smaller units called periods. What are these divisions based upon? A.geologic events only B.biological changes only C.geologic and biological events D.equal units of geologic time
15. Which method is most reliable in correlating rocks from two different locations? A. identifying physical characteristics of the rocks B. identifying the mineral content of the rocks C. identifying similar fossils in the rock layers D. identifying the thickness of the rock layers