The Ottomans were: Turkish (capital Istanbul) Muslim (majority) –Sunni.


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Presentation transcript:

The Ottomans were: Turkish (capital Istanbul) Muslim (majority) –Sunni

*Suleiman the Magnificent

*Mehmet II (the Conqueror) Mehmet was well known for his cruelty…some estimates reach 30,000 deathsper year that he was responsible for!!!

The fall of the Byzantine Empire Under the leadership of Mehmet II, the Ottomans laid siege to Constantinople

A new Ottoman capital Fall of Constantinople in 1453 brought end to the Byzantine Empire The Ottomans made the city their capital and renamed it Istanbul

What was the source of Ottoman power?

Three Ottoman Strengths:

1. Control of Trade Location on the east/west trade route Control of the Waterways

2. Wealth from trade

3. Superior technology

How did the empire end?

Ottoman Strength #1: Control of trade. Europeans broke this strength by going around Africa and gaining control of trade.

Ottoman Strength #2: Wealth Discovery of the New World leads to fantastic wealth for Europe from Aztec and Inca gold and silver.

Ottoman Strength #3: Technology The industrial revolution surpassed the Ottoman superiority in technology especially in production of guns and munitions and other products necessary for war.

Why Did The Empire End?

1. Nationalism: People ruled by the Ottomans wanted independence. Europeans: Serbs, Croats, Bulgarians, Greeks. Arabs

2. The Ottomans sided with Germany in WWI (and lost.)

The Arab territories were divided up between Great Britain and France.

Turkey became a republic

Summary of the Ottoman Empire