Fellow Evaluation Using the Framework For Fellow Effectiveness Math Fellow Training 2013 © 2013 Blueprint Schools Network. All Rights Reserved. For DSSN, DMF, and Blueprint Use Only.
Fellow Evaluation Objectives: 1. CWBAT understand rationale for development of new Framework 2. CWBAT roll out overview of Evaluation along with Expectations of priority to their team of Fellows during Fellow training 3. CWBAT brainstorm ideas of monitoring components and Professional Development needed for week before kids, first week with kids, and first 2 weeks of instruction © 2013 Blueprint Schools Network. All Rights Reserved. For DSSN, DMF, and Blueprint Use Only.
Do Now Take 7 silent minutes to write down your answers to the following 5 questions: Think back to when you were a classroom teacher… 1. What is the most memorable piece of feedback you received? 2. Who gave it to you? 3. How did they give it to you? 4. Why was it the most memorable? 5. How did you incorporate the feedback into your daily teaching? (volunteer share out 10 mins) © 2013 Blueprint Schools Network. All Rights Reserved. For DSSN, DMF, and Blueprint Use Only.
What Factors Have Led to Our Success? 2 Words= Reflection and Feedback We set time aside for personal and team reflection, collaboration, discussion, planning, assessing, data collection and analysis all in a continuous cycle We ask students, families, Fellows, Coordinators, Teachers, Principals, District, Blueprint, etc. what’s going well and WHY? What can we improve and HOW? (4 min) © 2013 Blueprint Schools Network. All Rights Reserved. For DSSN, DMF, and Blueprint Use Only.
From feedback….comes REFLECTION From reflection…. comes a PLAN (3 min) © 2013 Blueprint Schools Network. All Rights Reserved. For DSSN, DMF, and Blueprint Use Only.
We developed a new tool grounded in the 8 Mathematical Practices from the CCSS to encourage reflective practice for instruction along with high standards regarding Professionalism and Cultural Competency 3 minutes © 2013 Blueprint Schools Network. All Rights Reserved. For DSSN, DMF, and Blueprint Use Only.
CCSS: 8 Mathematical Practices The Instructional Expectations are grounded in the practices which are grounded in behaviors and actions that best support mathematics instruction and are consistent for every grade level K-12 SMP1-Make Sense of Problems and Persevere in Solving Them SMP2-Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively SMP3-Construct Viable Argument and Critique the Reasoning of Others SMP4-Model With Mathematics SMP5-Use Appropriate Tools Strategically SMP6-Attend to Precision SMP7-Look for and Make Use of Structure SMP8-Look for and Express Regularity in Repeated Reasoning (3 min) © 2013 Blueprint Schools Network. All Rights Reserved. For DSSN, DMF, and Blueprint Use Only.
Equally Important are the Expectations of Cultural Competency & Professionalism The Math Fellows Program has incredibly high expectations for how we conduct ourselves and what we strive to achieve. In order to do that, we: Create an Inclusive Culture Set and Maintain High Behavioral Expectations Actively Engage Families Collaborate and Contribute to Team Use Data to Drive Instruction Reflect on Practice and Seek Feedback Embody Program Mission (3 min) © 2013 Blueprint Schools Network. All Rights Reserved. For DSSN, DMF, and Blueprint Use Only.
New Approach Toward Evaluation Frequent short observations Frequent verbal and written conversations around practice Integrating what Coordinators observe into weekly PD Eliciting parental and student input Focused on student achievement (TOP PRIORITY) Geared toward differentiated professional growth (quarterly or mid/end of year evaluations with full lesson observation) Training on the various tools will come in separate session (4 min) © 2013 Blueprint Schools Network. All Rights Reserved. For DSSN, DMF, and Blueprint Use Only.
Let’s Dive In Please take 7 minutes to silently read through the Framework for Fellow Effectiveness with the lens of what do Fellows need to know and be able to do: Before kids come 1 st week of school 1 st 30 days of school (8min) © 2013 Blueprint Schools Network. All Rights Reserved. For DSSN, DMF, and Blueprint Use Only.
Collaborating Coordinators It never feels good to be isolated, so we want you to have a partner throughout the year to process through ideas together Elementary/K8 PairsSecondary Pairs Gaby/Kim/Tayo (20F)Pablo/Heather Alexander (28 F) Susanna/Laura (23F)Katy/David (34F) Eric/Kristin M (18F)Gigi/Heather Ayuardo (18 F) Mechelle/Nina(22F)Tiffany/Anthony (24F) Julia/Jennifer(10F)Ashley/Annie (26F) Kristin H/Francy (15F) (Kristin H and Mechelle work together for the remainder of Coordinator training) © 2013 Blueprint Schools Network. All Rights Reserved. For DSSN, DMF, and Blueprint Use Only.
Prompts to Brainstorm With Your Partner © 2013 Blueprint Schools Network. All Rights Reserved. For DSSN, DMF, and Blueprint Use Only. What do Fellows need to know and be able to do in the week before kids come? What do Fellows need to know and be able to do in the first week with kids (i.e before groups are formed and instruction starts)? What do Fellows need to know and be able to do in weeks 2-4 (i.e instruction begins)? What might you monitor during this time to assess solid implementation? What are kids doing? What do Fellows Need to Know? How might I monitor? Week before school starts 1 st week-little to know instruction Weeks 2-4 implementing instruction (20 minutes)
Brainstorm (Think-Pair-Share) Cultural Competency/Professionalism Expectations only because Instructional Expectations will be rolled out separately © 2013 Blueprint Schools Network. All Rights Reserved. For DSSN, DMF, and Blueprint Use Only. Expectations of Priority (3) On site before kids come (4) PD 1 st week with kids (5) 1.________________ 2.________________ 3.________________ 1._________________ 2._________________ 3._________________ 4._________________ 1._________________ 2._________________ 3._________________ 4.__________________ 5.__________________ (5 min T, 5 min P, 10 min Share)
Exit Task With Your Partner (lesson plan template located on the wiki site) You will be rolling out the Fellow Evaluation to your teams on Day 1 (Aug 14 th ) from 1:45-3:45. Please collaborate with your partner for 5 minutes to set up a time on Monday 8/12 or Tuesday 8/13 to create your lesson plan (5 minutes) © 2013 Blueprint Schools Network. All Rights Reserved. For DSSN, DMF, and Blueprint Use Only.