Today’s Agenda Thursday April 9th - Read & discuss section 3 of chapter 15 - Take notes on section - Write answers to questions in order to show understanding of text. “I Can Statement”: I can explain how the Vietnam War affected the political and social climate in the United States.
Essential Question How did the Vietnam War affect the political and social climate in the United States?
The Youth Protest America was torn between support for & opposition against the war. The counterculture was a movement that rejected traditional American values. Gap between young people and middle class grows
Turn & Talk Why do you think that young people made up a large portion of those whom opposed the war in Vietnam?
Opposition to the Draft All 18 year old men had to register for the draft. People opposed the draft for several reasons: 1.They were against supplying soldiers for the war 2. They were against deferments, which excused certain individuals from the draft. Kids enrolled fulltime in college (Middle class kids in school/ poor & working class minority kids drafted) 3. They were against the war for religious reasons
Critical Thinking page 477 Read the primary source and then answer the following question in your notebook: Do you think the draft was fair? Explain
Doves and Hawks Those who supported the war were Hawks Those who opposed it were Doves Both sides criticized the president for his handling of the war. As opposition mounted, protest against the war increased.
Primary Source page 478 Read the primary source and then answer the following critical thinking question in your notebook. How do you think young nurses reacted after working such long hours and seeing horrific injuries?
The Tet Offensive Organized surprise attack by N. Vietnam & Viet Cong in Jan Attacked numerous cities throughout N & S Vietnam. Not very effective militarily. The communist lose 45, 000 soldiers & gain no cities. At home, Tet convinced people the war was far from over & opposition mounted against LBJ.
Political Opposition LBJ begins to face opposition from his own political party (democrats) He barely wins the 1968 primary election
The President Responds LBJ begins to reevaluate the war in Vietnam Announces the U.S. will halt the bombing of N. Vietnam cities. LBJ shocks the nation when he states he will not seek reelection.
A Nation in Crisis Read the events of 1968 & use the map to answer the map skills questions on page 480.
Violence Erupts April 4, 1968 MLK is assassinated & riots stretch across the nation. Robert Kennedy, seeking the democratic nomination for president, was assassinated. (Brother of former president JFK)
The Democratic Convention Hubert H. Humphrey wins the democratic party nomination. Numerous antiwar protestors converge on Chicago to protest the war. Violence erupts between protestors and the police. All of it shown on T.V. This weakens Humphrey.
Turn & Talk What impact do you feel television had on the democratic convention in Chicago?
The Election of 1968 Democratic candidate Hubert Humphrey Republican Candidate Richard M. Nixon Nixon promises law & order at home and “peace with honor” in Vietnam. Nixon wins the 1968 election
Essential Question Answer the following question in paragraph form on a separate sheet of paper to be handed in by the end of class. How did the Vietnam War affect the political and social climate in the United States?