Introduction to Earth Science Chapter 1
1.1 What is Earth Science? ► Understanding Earth is not easy, because our planet is always changing. ► Earth Science – ► Geochemistry, geophysics, geobiology, paleontology, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy.
1.1 What is Earth Science? ► We will begin our study with Geology Means _____________________________ _________________________– the physical processes on Earth __________________________– understanding Earth’s history.
1.1 What is Earth Science? ► Formation of the Earth Nebular hypothesis: Layers of the Earth ► How did they form?
1.2 - A View of the Earth ► Earth’s Major Spheres _____________– the water portion of our planet ________________ – Earth’s gaseous envelope ________________ – solid portion of Earth ► Split into 3 parts: _________________ – all life on Earth
1.2 - A View of the Earth ► The Earth is a dynamic, (always changing), planet ________________________________ – forces that build the Earth ________________________________ – forces that break down Earth Plate tectonics:
1.3 – Representing Earth’s Surface ► Determining Location ____________________- distance north or south of the equator, measured in degrees. _______________________ – distance east or west of the prime meridian, measured in degrees. ► Maps No matter what kind of map you have there will always be some sort of distortion. ► Mapmakers have found ways to diminish the distortion of maps.
1.3 – Representing Earth’s Surface ► The Mercator Projection – (pg 12) Used by sailors Rectangular to show directions accurately. However, sizes and distances are distorted. ► Robinson Projection Shows distances, sizes, and shapes accurately, but has distortions around edges (pg. 13)
1.3 – Representing Earth’s Surface ► Conic Projections (pg. 13) Used to make road and weather maps Very accurate at the line of latitude it measures, but not accurate away from it. ► Gnonomic Projection (pg 13) Used by sailors to show shortest distances between two points on a globe.
1.3 – Representing Earth’s Surface ► Topographic Maps Represents the Earth’s 3 dimensions on a 2 dimensional surface. They show elevation using ________________. ► Every position along a single contour line is at the same elevation. ► The ______________________________ tells you the difference in elevation between adjacent lines. Lines closer together show steeper slopes, while lines far apart show gently sloping landscapes.
1.3 – Representing Earth’s Surface ► Contour Lines Lines in a circle represent a hill, while circles with hachure marks represent a depression. ► Scale Shows the distance between two points on a map. A map will always tell you its scale
1.3 – Representing Earth’s Surface ► Geologic Maps Shows the type and age of exposed rock. ► Satellites Allows us to very precisely map the Earth’s surface GPS – Global Positioning System ► Table 1 – pg. 17
1.5 Scientific Inquiry ► Scientific Method 1. ______________________________ ► Only what you see, smell, hear, touch, and sometimes taste ► You DO NOT draw any conclusions from your observations. 2. ______________________________ ► An educated guess to explain your observations
1.5 Scientific Inquiry 3. _________________________________ ► This tests your hypothesis ► Must be carefully and thoughtfully carried out including dependant and independent variables and a control. ► Data must be collected 4. ___________________________________ Graphs, charts, illustrations
1.5 Scientific Inquiry 5. ___________________________________ ► Tell what your data represents ► State whether it supports or does not support your hypothesis ► ____________________________ – well tested and widely accepted by the scientific community and best explains certain observable facts. Tells what is observed in nature and attempts to explain it. Examples:
1.5 Scientific Inquiry ► ___________________________________ Tell what is occurring in nature but does not attempt to explain it. Examples: ► Metric base units Length: Mass: Time: Temperature:
1.5 Scientific Inquiry ► Metrix Prefixes: MEMORIZE THESE!!! giga: deci: mega:centi: kilo:milli: hecto:micro: deka:nano: