Describing: Relating things that one hears and sees. Interpretation of what one hears and sees. Role playing: Placing one’s self in a situation and act accordingly. Roles can be prepared or extemporaneous. Presenting: Presenting information Not the same as describing: more extensive preparation, center of group Conversing: Reacting to statements, opinions, remarks and questions with one other person or in small groups. Four Modes of Communication
Video: Family fight 1.Base level: Describe house, people, emotions, weather, etc. 2.More advanced: In groups of three: describe from the mother’s, father’s and son’s perspective—moving toward role- playing Describing
Role playing In groups of two: One plays the father One plays the mother The father starts the exchange: “These kids are a pair of hoodlums. You brought them up wrong.” The group is to prepare five questions that the mother asks and then the answers that the father gives. Preparation: five minutes Practice: five minutes Perform for the class
Presentation Students have already completed a reading assignment about the Day of the Dead in Mexico. Students then do research and present a report in the target language on related topics, such as other Mexican holiday traditions or other kinds of ancestor rituals in the Spanish-speaking world. They organize their information on a power point presentation and report to the class in the target language (but are not allow to write text and read verbatim from the slide).
Conduct a Conversation Preparation: statements, questions and answers, opinions, brief narration You will be paired randomly with another person in class. Meet now in class and quickly determine a topic of mutual interest. Exchange contact information and prepare statements and questions together. Determine an opener question, stated after greetings and pleasantries.
Conversation strategies usually need to be learned in the target language, but are intuitive in one‘s native language. Practice information questions (not yes-no questions) 1.What do you expect from a good marriage partner? 2.How do you see the political situation in Russian today? 3.The seven Ws Confirmation, tag questions and stall tactics 1. I think that... Don‘t you think so, too? 2. That really is not a good idea, now is it? 3. Well... I‘m not really sure... What do you mean by that?