November, 2012 Please sit by Regional Scoring Cluster
Welcome Introductions Overview of Agenda
SED Updates 3-8 Assessment –Testing guides are overdue –Format change announcement impending –Authentic text rules have changed –Change in tools rules for math: No calculator for Book 1 grades 6-8 –There will be training this year
SED Updates Global –Looks like it will be split –Different options; field will be surveyed –Maybe
CI&A Upcoming events ELA Leadership Network - Dec 10 CCLS for ELA: Instructional Shifts for Literacy- Dec 14 Register through My Learning Plan
CI&A: Peeking into January Effective Teaching in the 21 st Century- Jan 4 Cognitive Engagement-Jan 4 Developing Collaborative Groups Using the Adaptive Schools Framework-Jan 8 Students from Poverty- Jan 11 Voc Strategies (Grades 4-12)- Jan 16 Use of Data: Making Instructional Decisions- Jan 22 PBL- Jan 24 Meeting Needs of Diverse Learners- Jan 30
Just for Visual Art Teachers Visual Art Educators Professional Development Day: Teaching Strategies in Studio Art Provided by SUNY Cortland March 22
Teacher Centers CNY/Oswego Teacher Center is looking for volunteers to facilitate teacher conversations
Social Media ???
(the Regents Reform Agenda)
Math FIRST address preApril/postApril CONTNUE to build understanding about what kids are now expected to be able to do BE CAREFUL about rushing to adopt programs, buy series, or take things from engageNY
Math University of Arizona Common Core Math Institute –March 1-3 (Friday Night, Saturday, Sunday) –For the Northeast –Doubletree –Bill McCallum-led –Plenary and grade-band sessions –Participants do work and create shared products
Math Cost structure –250 seats total - cost through Arizona $400 –CNY Teacher Center subsidizing 100 seats to $200 –OCM NT paying that remaining $200 for two “free” seats per NT district –Cortland Teacher Center subsidizing some additional to $0 for their districts –Cincy Teacher Center subsidizing for Cincy to $0 –Translates to approx. 50 seats at $200 for components, if want to send above the 2
Math FIRST address preApril/postApril CONTNUE to build understanding about what kids are now expected to be able to do BE CAREFUL about rushing to adopt programs, buy series, or take things from engageNY
Transforming Practice Through Team Leadership
Needed Change The practices, more than the content, are what make the Common Core essential for student success: 1.Make sense and persevere in solving problems. 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Needed Change The practices, continued: 4.Model with mathematics. 5.Use appropriate tools strategically. 6.Attend to precision. 7.Look for and make use of structure. 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Needed Change This is what has to change: Equity: focus on all students Curriculum: ensure consistent, focused content focus Teaching and Learning: monitor changes in instructional practices Assessment: Common formative/interim assessment (DDI process) Technology: appropriate implementation and utilization
Leadership Team Form a long-term leadership team Administrators (principals, curriculum leaders, etc.) Math coaches, instructional specialists, etc. Teachers of math
Leadership Team Four strategies for leadership team: 1.Promoting adoption and avoiding rejection 2.Focusing on students brings success 3.Building support for collegial relationships 4.Maintaining support to increase implementation
Levels of Adoption Initiators (3-10%)Earlier Adopters (15%) Later Adopters (60-82%)Resisters (15%) Being strategic
Leadership Team Moves forward with pressure Builds common knowledge Communicates vision and plan Is encouraging and supportive Monitors progress
Focus on Students Big ideas: 1.Opportunity to Learn: guaranteed and viable curriculum –Timelines, scope & sequences, etc. –Materials –All classrooms –Assessed –Note: make sure old materials and ideas are removed
Focus on Students Big ideas: 2.Visible Thinking: conceptual fluency over procedural fluency –Metacognition –Math talk –Constructivism –Note: make sure “fluency” is understood
Focus on Students Big ideas: 3.Engaging Lessons: cognitive engagement –Active –High expectations –Writing and explanations –Students doing the work –Note: traditional lesson structure has to be discarded (HW-lesson-start HW)
Focus on Students Big ideas: 4.Group-Worthy Problems: students need to work together on challenging problems –Collaboration –Open-ended –Multiple pathways –Important content –Note: Math Solutions is great with this
Focus on Students Big ideas: 5.RtI: Data-Driven Process –common formative/interim assessment –Tier 1 –Tier 2 –PLC –Note: need to ensure that intervention is occurring
Common Core Instruction Teachers will need to Understand the practices Understand how kids learn mathematics Be able to collaboratively unit plan Know and apply effective strategies Monitor learning (and adjust)
Sustain the Change Leadership team will maintain pressure via Coaching Ongoing professional development Appropriate decisions about materials (carefully piloted by later adopters) Classroom visits and monitoring Communication of progress Expectations for all teachers to work collaboratively
Standards meet DDI meet Culture
ELA Vision of what we need to do is clearer –Balancing Informational & Literary Text –Knowledge in the Disciplines –Staircase of Complexity –Text-based Answers –Writing for Sources –Academic Vocabulary Expeditionary Learning here during last week in June? UNIT PLANNING AND REVISION
Other Standards Next Generation Science Standards –Looks like January draft (major changes) –End of March is a “hard” deadline
Data-Driven Instruction AM 2.5 hrs –Balanced Assessment System –Six Shifts of DDI –Assessment Construction 101 –Process for getting from SLO to calendar for common formative/interim assessments –Process for getting first assessment done PM 2.5 hrs –Work time (w/ support) –Should be replicable for other interims
Culture PLCs at Work Summit –Keynotes streamed –Quick responses to our questions –One breakout streamed, second would be recorded (both facilitated) –We could run our own breakouts, too –$225+ for two-day event (+ is for facilities, food, and additional facilitator) –July 17-19, July 24-26, or August 5-7 available
Long-term Planning How’s it going? Can we help?
Regents Scoring Will meet after BCIC today
3-8 Scoring Proposals based on data and feedback from last June BCIC meeting Same grouping and sites as
Personnel Two trainers provided by districts for each test Facilitators 1:6 scorers –Common communication and process prior to scoring day –Experienced scorer
More Personnel Scorers –ELA 1:25 –Math 1:34 –Based on past year test construction Support –Each district minimum of one support person up to ratio of 1:250 tests –Timing can vary but will need to scheduled in advance –Clerical/Administrative
Procedures Each group determine procedure but have standardized : –Process for tracking tests –Providing read behinds –Advance communication with trainers and facilitators –Process for packaging and delivery of tests
Proposed Schedule Same tests scored on same day across region---- this is so that as calls are made to hotline the information can be shared across sites One test per day—this is so that fit into sites Recognize that this will not work for South site- schedule aligns as closely as possible for this group Avoids adjacent grade levels scoring on consecutive days
Group Discussion Each cluster has site coordinator as a facilitator Review the summary handout As a group record ideas (facilitator will collect at end) Prepare to report on themes...
December 20, 2012 Distance Learning Center