The Planting of English America: Chapter 2 Theme: After a late start, a proud, nationalistic England joined the colonial race and successfully established five colonies along the southeastern seacoast of North America. Although varying somewhat in origins and character, all these colonies exhibited plantation agriculture, indentured and slave labor, a tendency toward strong economic and social hierarchies, and a pattern of widely scattered, institutionally weak settlements.
I. Background British Invasion A.Renaissance stimulates interest in geography and technology 1.Sir Francis Drake B.Absolute Monarchs expand world trade. 1.Strike 1: Humphrey Gilbert 2.Strike 2: Walter Raleigh 3.Foul Ball: Spanish Armada defeated, C.Cultural changes 1.Religious diversity created rivalries 2.Overpopulation 3.Primogeniture 4.Slavery, 1619 D.Commercial Revolution 1.Enclosure limited the land 2.Creation of Joint-stock companies Drake plate “discovered” in 1933
II. Chesapeake Colonies A.Jamestown Founded, Virginia Company Charter 2.Freshman Failures (60/400 “starving time”) a.Geography b.Lack discipline-Indentured servants c.Lord De La War 1 st Powhatan War, Sophomore Successes a.John Smith “no work, no eat” b.John Rolfe and Pocahontas c.Tobacco d.Three D’s: Disease, e.House of Burgesses, James I revoked charter B.Maryland, Lord Baltimore a safe place for Catholics. 2.Economically: similar to VA 3.Act of Toleration The “Cavalier” is the mascot for the University of Virginia. Virginia settlers were strong Supporters of the English Crown.
III. Southern Colonies A.North Carolina, Squatters from VA 2.More independent & tobacco 3.Indian troubles a. Iroquois Confederacy B.The West Indies and South Carolina, Sugar plantations 2.“slave codes” 3.Immigration from Barbados 4.SC grew rice to feed labor C.Georgia-buffer colony, Dumping colony except Catholics.
Review Questions 1.Analyze the differences between the Spanish settlements in the Southwest and the English colonies in New England in the 17 th Century in terms of TWO of the following… a.Politics b.Religion c.Economic (2006, A) 2.Early encounters between American Indians and European colonists led to a variety of relationships among the different cultures. Analyze how the actions taken by BOTH American Indians and European colonists shaped those relationships in TWO of the following regions. Confine your answer to the 1600’s. a.New England b.Chesapeake c.Spanish Southwest d.New York and New France (2008, A)