Physics 11 Outline September 2013
Why Take Physics? to sharpen and hone your ability to think to learn about everyday phenomena that have a simple physics explanation to see lots of cool applications of math Requirements for College & University – Health professions – ultrasound, nuclear medicine, radiology, respiratory therapy, Pre-Med, Pre-Vet – Technology programs – electronics, engineering, – Computer technician, instrumentation – Physics, Engineering, Mathematics, Chemistry, Geology, Computer Science, some Biology degrees – Physiotherapy
Topics for Physics 11 Kinematics - interpreting graphs, speed and velocity, acceleration, acceleration due to Gravity Dynamics - Newton's laws, weight and mass, friction, free body diagrams Momentum & Energy - impulse, conservation of momentum, work, power, conservation of energy Waves - properties of waves, superposition, interference, diffraction, wave equation Sound & Electromagnetic waves - properties of sound, resonance, Doppler effect, Electromagnetic spectrum, properties of light, reflection, refraction, diffraction
Physics Survival Guide Learn by doing; practice! Study by trying problems. Instead of asking, “How?”, ask “Why?”. You will learn more. Accept the challenge! Think!
Evaluation Final Grade Tests35% Labs20% Quizzes & Assignments 15% Exam30%
Guidelines Students are expected to take responsibility for their own learning. Spend time doing homework every night. Review the material covered each day. Regular quizzes and tests will require it! Read the appropriate chapters as the material is covered. Keep up with course work while you are absent from school! Students are expected to catch up on missed work (and homework) by checking our class website at this address: It is updated regularly. Extra help is available by request. Just ask!
Attendance for Tests An UNEXCUSED ABSENCE for a test results in a MARK OF ZERO for the test. Make-up tests will be written after school bi-weekly on Wednesdays. The dates are posted on the bulletin board.
Labs Students are expected to be respectful of the apparatus and materials in the lab. No food or drink in the lab! An unexcused absence for a lab day results in a mark of zero for the lab. An excused absence allows the student to collect lab data from another student. There is a 20% reduction in the mark each day the lab is late. If the lab is not completed, the mark is zero. Student are expected to prepare the lab report on his/her own. Identical lab reports will be given a mark of zero.
Communication Parents/Guardians are encouraged to contact me by or at the school by telephone:
School Rules Late program No cell phones
Information Sheet Please Provide the following information: 1. Name 2. Address 3. Home Phone Number 4. Parents/Guardians Name(s) 5. Work Phone Number 6. Your address 7. After school commitments (Part-time jobs, volunteer activities,etc.) 8. Extra-curricular activities 9. Health concerns or issues to be considered in the classroom? (allergies, migraines, hearing problems, etc.)
10.How much time do you spend doing homework each night? 11. Do you have internet access at home? 12. What is your attendance like? 13. How do you learn best? 14. Why are you taking physics? 15. What are your plans after high school? 16. Anything else I should know?